Food & Beverage Consumption Policy

Know The When And Where
Food & beverage service is available onboard all Alcatraz City Cruises’ vessels. Certain items can be pre-ordered before both the departure from Pier 33 Alcatraz Landing and the return trip from Alcatraz Island.

If you have already purchased tickets, please follow this link to pre-order menu items.

Please Note: Confirmation number and email address must match what was entered at the time of purchase when clicking on the link.

Picnicking and consuming food on Alcatraz Island is allowed (standard size backpacks only; picnic baskets or coolers of any size are not allowed) at the dock area from the picnic tables to the restrooms only. Bottled water is allowed on all areas of the Island.

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on Alcatraz Island and are only available for purchase on the return trip from Alcatraz Island.