In the past few weeks, Blue Whales have been regularly spotted of the coast of San Diego. Soon, Hornblower Cruises & Events will offer Whale Watching cruises that head out to sea in search of Blues and other baleen whales. Our summer whale watching cruises begin June 29 and run from Fridays to Mondays through the end of summer.

Why are Blue Whales so exciting to watch? These giants are the largest animals on Earth, reaching lengths of 100 feet (about 2/3 of the length of the Adventure Hornblower) and weighing up to 150 tons (slightly less than the weight of the average American house). The Blue Whale’s blow/spout can be 30 feet tall, letting our captains and naturalists spot them from far away. When a Blue Whale surfaces, you typically see the spout first, then the head, then the bluish-gray body, then the tiny dorsal fin, and finally, if you are lucky, the tail flukes lifted above the surface.

Ni nini kinacholeta Blues kwenye maji ya ndani? Katika majira ya joto, maji yenye virutubisho, pwani ya Kusini mwa California mara nyingi hutoa tani na tani za krill. Na wingi wa krill inayofanana na kamba, ni sumaku za nyangumi wenye njaa kutafuta chakula. Kama Nyangumi wa Kijivu na nyangumi wengine wa baleen, Nyangumi wa Bluu ana baleen inayofanana na brashi mdomoni mwake ambayo hutumia kuzuia krill na mawindo mengine madogo yaliyofungwa kutoka kwa maji. Nyangumi mtu mzima wa bluu anaweza kutumia hadi tani 4 za krill kwa siku!

Join us this summer for a chance to see the magnificent Blue Whales (Summer Whale Watching Cruises) and visit us online at our Blue Whale Page to learn more about these and other ocean animals.

Acha Jibu

Anwani yako ya barua pepe haitachapishwa. Mashamba yanayohitajika yamewekwa alama *