A century ago, Niagara Falls played host to a daring rescue. Two men teetered on the edge of life and death, fighting the force of mother nature herself.
The near-fatal incident and legendary rescue was witnessed by thousands in 1918, and remains an often-told story in the Niagara Falls area. Evidence of this history still sits along the banks near the Niagara Falls. Perhaps you have seen it yourself: The Niagara Scow.




On a warm summer afternoon, a steel-bottomed sand barge made its way down the Niagara River carrying 2,000 tons of rock and sand. A barge, also known as a scow, is a flat-bottomed vessel attached to a tugboat.
At least…scows are supposed to be attached to a tugboat.
On that day, however, an unpleasant surprise greeted Captain John Wallace and his crew on the Hassayampa tug. The barge hit intense currents about one mile upriver and broke loose of the tug, swaying out of control as it made its way towards the 170-foot drop of the Horseshoe Falls.
Two crew members, 53-year-old James Henry Harris and 51-year-old Gustav Lofberg, were stuck aboard the scow as it inched closer to the edge. What were they to do?


想像できますか?ジェームズ・ヘンリー・ハリスとグスタフ・ロフバーグは、漂流する船の上で恐怖とパニックを感じたに違いない。ホースシューフォール(Horseshoe Falls)に向かって真っすぐに進む二人にできることは、ただ見守ることと希望を持つことだけだった。
ホーンブロワー・ナイアガラ・クルーズ ナイアガラ・スカウ 1927年 ナイアガラの滝 カナダ オンタリオ州
ホースシューフォール(Horseshoe Falls)の滝壺まであと半マイルというところで、観客の恐怖は安堵と喜びに変わった。なんと、船は岩の浅瀬に着岸したのだ。ロフバーグとハリスはすぐにアンカーを投入し、その場を確保した。


ホーンブロワー・ナイアガラ・クルーズ Windlass Niagara Scow ナイアガラ・フォールズ オンタリオ州 カナダ

もちろん、これはハイリスクな提案だった。巻き上げ機は信頼性に欠け、テストもされていない。もし、ロープでしっかりつながれていない状態でボートが岩から外れたら、ホースシューフォール(Horseshoe Falls)を越えて下降することになり、命にかかわる危険性がある。
ホーンブロワー・ナイアガラ・クルーズ ブリーチ・ブイ ナイアガラの滝 オンタリオ州 カナダ.jpg


ホーンブロワー・ナイアガラ・クルーズ ナイアガラ・スコー・トゥデイ ナイアガラ・フォールズ オンタリオ州 カナダ


After witnessing the narrow escape, onlookers soon began swapping accounts of what happened that day. Some were quite far-fetched –  one particularly outlandish rumour was that the two boatmen had cut two holes in the bottom of their scow to let water enter the vessel and force it to the beach. However, this would have taken too long with the materials on board. The scow landing on the rocks was luck, pure and simple.
There are other stories, however, which may be more rooted in fact. For example, some people swear they saw the two men attempting to control the barge using makeshift oars. Others claimed that they moved some of the load to the front of the scow once it was secured on the rock, in hopes of keeping it steady. We don’t know if these stories are true for certain; all we do know is that whatever Harris and Lofberg did (or didn’t do), it worked out. What could have been a devastating news story was instead a triumph for the people of Niagara Falls.




The story of Lofberg and Harris’s rescue is uniquely extreme, but the history of people risking their lives to generate power at the Niagara Falls is far-reaching. Workplace injuries and even fatalities were not uncommon for power workers, especially in the early days of the Niagara Falls Hydro Plant. After all, an engineering project involving such a fierce natural spectacle as the Niagara Falls is often a high-risk undertaking.
Today, the Niagara Scow is still lodged in those rocks on the fast-flowing Niagara River. It serves as a constant reminder of the risks and the determination involved in harnessing the power of one of the world’s most spectacular natural wonders.