Magia delle vacanze: Natale a Poole - L'esperienza festiva definitiva! Preparatevi a scartare un fascio di allegria festosa a Poole questo Natale e lasciate che City Cruises Poole vi guidi verso tutte le delizie più allegre. Dalle luci abbaglianti alla grotta di Babbo Natale, dalle crociere con le luci del porto invernale al fantastico shopping e ai deliziosi banchetti, questa città costiera ha tutto. Quindi, prendete i vostri cari, abbracciate lo spirito della stagione e partite per una memorabile avventura natalizia a Poole. Buone vacanze!

1 Poole sure knows how to dazzle its visitors with stunning festive illuminations.

Prendete posto su un battello di City Cruises Poole e salpate per un viaggio pittoresco intorno al porto. Ammirate gli edifici splendidamente adornati sulle banchine, le luci scintillanti che si riflettono sull'acqua e le ipnotiche installazioni luminose che adornano la città. Vi sembrerà di essere entrati in un paese delle meraviglie da favola!

2 Calling all little ones (and the young at heart)!

City Cruises Poole offre un'incantevole esperienza di navigazione con Babbo Natale che vi riempirà il cuore di gioia. Salite sul ponte e lasciate che la magia si svolga durante il viaggio attraverso il nascondiglio segreto di Babbo Natale. Incontrerete l'uomo allegro in persona, gli direte i vostri desideri natalizi e riceverete un regalo speciale. Un'esperienza davvero indimenticabile che vi farà cantare "Jingle Bells"! Disponibile ogni sabato e domenica per tutto il mese di dicembre.


Babbo Natale con gli elfi


3 Siete alla ricerca del regalo perfetto per i vostri cari?

Poole è sede di una deliziosa serie di negozi e mercati, dove potrete trovare tesori unici e regali pensati. Dall'artigianato fatto a mano alle prelibatezze locali, scoprirete qualcosa per tutti coloro che sono sulla vostra lista di Natale. Esplorate le strade animate e piene di spirito festivo per il vostro shopping natalizio, poi salite a bordo della Christmas Party Cruise, disponibile ogni venerdì e sabato sera per tutto il mese di dicembre.

4 Christmas is all about indulgence, and Poole’s culinary scene is ready to wow your taste buds.

Con un'abbondanza di caffè accoglienti, pub tradizionali e ristoranti raffinati, avrete l'imbarazzo della scelta. Assaggiate i sostanziosi banchetti natalizi, assaporate il delizioso vin brulé e concedetevi le appetitose mince pies. Non dimenticate di brindare a questa gioiosa stagione godendo di splendide viste sul lungomare da un battello di City Cruises Poole.

FAQs – 2023 Christmas in Poole

Why should I consider spending Christmas in Poole, UK?
Poole, a large coastal town in Dorset, is a wonderful place to spend Christmas. The town is beautifully decorated with festive lights and ornaments, giving it a magical atmosphere. The Poole Christmas Market is a must-visit with an array of local produce, crafts, and food. You can enjoy a festive walk along the harbour, or participate in the many Christmas events and activities taking place in the area.

What are some Christmas events in Poole?
During the Christmas season, Poole hosts a variety of festive events. The annual Christmas Parade is a popular attraction, featuring beautifully decorated floats and performances. You can also enjoy the annual carol service in the historic Poole Quay. Many local attractions, like the Poole Museum and Upton House, have special Christmas-themed events and exhibits.

What can families do in Poole at Christmas?
Families can enjoy a range of activities in Poole at Christmas. Visit the Poole Winter Wonderland for festive fun, ice skating, and to meet Santa in his grotto. The Dolphin Shopping Centre hosts various Christmas events, and the local pantomime at the Lighthouse is a fun family tradition.

What dining options are there in Poole at Christmas?
Poole offers a fantastic selection of restaurants where you can enjoy a traditional Christmas meal. Many local restaurants and pubs offer special Christmas menus featuring local Dorset produce. From fine dining to cosy pubs, there are options to suit every taste.

How can City Cruises enhance my Christmas experience in Poole?
City Cruises offer a unique perspective of Poole’s scenic harbour and coastline, which is particularly enchanting during the festive season. They run special Christmas cruises where you can enjoy a festive meal or afternoon tea on board. These cruises are a fun way to see the area and enjoy the festive atmosphere from the water.

Why is a Christmas cruise on the River Thames a good idea for the whole family?
A Christmas cruise on the River Thames is a magical experience for the whole family. You can enjoy the beautiful sights of London’s iconic landmarks lit up for the festive season from the comfort of a heated cabin. City Cruises offer special themed cruises during the Christmas season, such as carol cruises and Santa cruises, making it a unique and memorable way to celebrate Christmas.

What can I expect from a City Cruises Christmas cruise?
City Cruises’ Christmas cruises offer a range of festive experiences. You could enjoy a traditional Christmas meal, afternoon tea, or simply take in the stunning views of the festively lit city skyline. Special cruises for kids include meeting Santa, making them an unforgettable Christmas treat.

Is there entertainment on board a City Cruises Christmas cruise?
Yes, City Cruises offer live entertainment on their Christmas cruises. This can range from live music to carol singing, depending on the specific cruise. These performances add to the festive atmosphere and make the cruise a truly enjoyable experience.

Can I book a private Christmas cruise with City Cruises?
Yes, you can book a private Christmas cruise with City Cruises. This is a fantastic option if you’re celebrating with a large family or group. You can enjoy the festive atmosphere and stunning views in a more intimate setting, with catering options to suit your party’s needs.