














ボストンで誕生日を過ごし、料理の腕を磨けば、来年の機会には特別なものを作ることができるだろうし。 はしゃぎまくる 励ますごはんのお供に.

ラ・スクオーラ・ディ・イータリー・ボストンの優秀なシェフが開催する多彩なイタリア料理教室では、ティラミスなどの定番デザートから生パスタまで、一から作り方を楽しく学べます。 食と酒をこよなく愛する人たちによって構成されています。






If you’re in the mood to host a fun birthday dinner out on the water, our Premier Dinner Cruise on Odyssey is just the ticket. On this two- or three-hour cruise, you’ll savor a delicious three-course meal (complete with table service) while you admire breathtaking views of Boston’s skyline and pass by important landmarks, such as the historic USS Constitution warship,
the Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge, and Boston’s Seaport District.Celebrate your next birthday aboard a unique floating venue with exceptional views of Downtown Boston and its famous waterfront landmarks. Take the stress out of planning and have a team of professionals make sure that every detail is in place for your unforgettable event with picture-perfect backdrops of Boston while you blow out your candles on the water. Fill out this form today and an Event Planner will contact you!



誕生日には、Flight Club Dartsで仲間と切磋琢磨するのはいかがでしょうか。アンチョコチャイルリキュール、ココアビターズ、カレーココナッツクリームなどを使ったシグネチャーカクテルを片手に、プライベートシートでブルズアイに挑戦してみてはいかがでしょう。(お腹が空いたら、ミニポケタコスや各種スライダーなどのフードメニューも充実しています。)





スパ・アット・マンダリン・オリエンタル・ボストンや G20スパ+サロンでは、Yan-Kaフェイシャルやドライソルトセラピーなど、ボストンの素晴らしいスパで数時間のトリートメントを受け、時の流れに身を任せてみませんか。


スリルを求めるあなた、CODZILLA Thrill-boat Rideをどうぞ!ペダルを踏んで、音量を上げて、一生に一度の楽しい冒険に出かけましょう。この怪物のような楽しい時間は、ヘアピンカーブや360度回転など、普通のボートライドでは味わえません。20名様までご同伴いただけますので、今までにないお誕生日のお祝いができます!





フェンウェイパーク ボストン・レッドソックス







ステルワーゲン・バンク海洋保護区を巡るニューイングランド水族館のホエールウォッチ・クルーズは、自然を愛する人たちにとって、とても素晴らしい方法です。 アドベンチャー比翼連理 国内最大級の大きさと快適さを誇るカスタムカタマランで、一生に一度の体験をお楽しみください。.屋外のビューイングデッキだけでなく、空調管理された室内でも、スタイリッシュで快適に過ごすことができます(軽食も食べられます)。





ボストン・ボルダリング・プロジェクトには、さまざまなクライミングウォールがあり、チャレンジ精神旺盛な人なら誰でも楽しめるでしょう。16,000平方フィートのさで 高さ45フィートの 壁が あり、 誰もが楽しい時間を 過ごす ことができます。



パドルボード、カヤック、カヌーでチャールズ川を探検する誕生日は、アウトドアが好きな人にとってこれ以上ないものでしょう。おまけに、ボストンのスカイラインの素晴らしい景色も見ることができます。 ニューイングランドでも有数の都市河川であるこの川の 美しさを、ぜひカメラに収めてみて ください。


Yes, we said birthday party and not tea party. Did you know that you can charter a City Cruises vessel for your own private group events? What better way to make a celebration one for the ages, than by renting out a deck, or an entire yacht from the fleet for your birthday festivities. City Cruises has a team ready and waiting to make sure every detail is covered, so that all you have to do is sit back, relax, and blow out the candles. You can book a vessel for all kinds of other parties as well, from weddings, to bachelor and bachelorette parties, to baby and bridal showers, even corporate related events. Whatever you are looking for, can be customized to fit your group size and budget. Ready to celebrate? fill out this form and an event planner will contact you.

FAQs – Fun Birthday Things to Do in Boston




ボストンは "アメリカのウォーキング・シティ "として知られるのんびりした街で、個性的なスポットの多い地区を散策しやすい。この街の親しみやすさと田舎町の雰囲気が人々に愛されている。ボストンの歴史から、ショッピングやダイニングシーンまで、この絵のように美しい港は、すべての人に何かを提供します。



What are some other birthday activities to do in Boston?
Boston offers a wealth of unique birthday experiences. Dive deep into history with a Freedom Trail walking tour, enjoy a cultured evening at the Boston Symphony Orchestra, or get hands-on at the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. Adventure seekers can paddle the Charles River, while those seeking relaxation might opt for a spa day at one of Boston’s luxury hotels.

Is the Boston Harbor a popular place for birthday celebrations?
It sure is! The Boston Harbor offers a picturesque setting perfect for birthday celebrations. Many choose harbor cruises for their special day, taking in views of the city skyline and historic sites. Waterfront dining, from upscale restaurants to relaxed seafood shacks, is also popular for birthdays, offering fresh seafood and stunning views.

How does Boston’s rich history enhance a birthday experience?
Celebrating in a city as historically rich as Boston adds layers of depth and meaning to any event. You’re not just in any city; you’re in a place where the American Revolution took shape. Historical tours, reenactments, and visits to landmarks like Paul Revere’s House can make a birthday in Boston both fun and educational.

What’s the best time of year to celebrate a birthday outdoors in Boston?
While Boston offers unique charm year-round, if you’re considering an outdoor celebration, the months from late spring to early fall (May to October) are ideal. These months generally have milder temperatures and less precipitation, perfect for garden parties, harbor cruises, or picnics in the city’s parks.

Why is City Cruises Boston a top choice for birthday celebrations?
City Cruises Boston offers an unparalleled birthday experience by merging the captivating Boston skyline with a luxurious cruise experience. With world-class amenities, delectable cuisine, and breathtaking views, City Cruises ensures an unforgettable birthday event for you and your guests.

How does City Cruises Boston enhance the traditional birthday experience?
Sailing with City Cruises Boston transports your birthday celebration to the serene waters of Boston Harbor, away from the bustling city crowds. Here, amidst the gentle waves, you get to celebrate against the backdrop of Boston’s iconic skyline, creating memories that stand apart from typical onshore events.

What type of birthday packages does City Cruises Boston offer?
City Cruises Boston caters to diverse preferences with a range of cruise options. Whether you’re looking for a lively brunch cruise, a romantic sunset dinner sail, or even a themed party boat, City Cruises has a package to make your birthday truly special. Each cruise includes fine dining options, premium beverage selections, and personalized entertainment choices.

Can I customize my birthday celebration with City Cruises Boston?
City Cruises Boston takes pride in crafting tailored experiences for its guests. From custom menus and themed decorations to curated playlists or live entertainment, our dedicated team works with you to bring your birthday vision to life on the waters.

Is it possible to book a private boat or a specific section for a birthday with City Cruises Boston?
Yes, with City Cruises Boston, you can elevate your birthday celebration’s exclusivity by renting an entire boat or securing a private deck. For more intimate gatherings, you can also reserve your own table on one of our public cruises, ensuring a personalized touch without the need for a full private charter.

How do City Cruises Boston’s culinary offerings enhance a birthday celebration?
City Cruises Boston boasts an array of gourmet culinary options, curated by expert chefs using fresh, local ingredients. Whether you’re indulging in a sumptuous brunch buffet, a multi-course dinner, or sipping on specialty cocktails, the onboard dining experience adds a touch of luxury and indulgence to your birthday festivities.

What should guests expect when they board a City Cruises Boston vessel for a birthday celebration?
Guests can anticipate a seamless blend of comfort, luxury, and entertainment. With spacious decks, panoramic windows, and a state-of-the-art sound system, every City Cruises vessel is designed to enhance your celebration. Paired with the attentive service from our professional crew and the mesmerizing views of landmarks like the USS Constitution and Bunker Hill Monument, your birthday on City Cruises Boston promises to be an affair to remember.
