
Pride Month marks the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising (or Stonewall “riots” as they were called in newspapers at the time) in New York City on June 28, 1969. On that night, a series of spontaneous protests took place outside the Stonewall Inn, a small bar frequented by gay men, lesbians, and drag queens. After facing years of harassment by NYC police, primarily due to bigotry against the patrons being openly homosexual, tensions reached the breaking point. Gay people took to the streets that night and for several nights after, to protest the ongoing harassment and to advocate for their basic human rights.  (In 2019, the New York Chief of Police issued a formal apology to the gay community for the actions that police officers took at Stonewall.)

Within weeks, new gay and lesbian activist groups were formed, its members advocating for the right to live openly, without hiding their sexual orientation.  On the one-year anniversary of Stonewall, the very first Pride March took place in New York and several major cities around the United States; eventually, these marches became parades of celebration and joy. Today, Pride Month is a time both to reflect on past pioneers who expanded human rights for LGBTQ-plus people, and a time to carry on the joyous spirit of Pride and freedom in this present moment and beyond.


Pride in Provincetown

Provincetown is many different places all at once: it’s a working port and active fishing village, a haven for artists, writers, and photographers, a vibrant showcase for films and theatre performances, a town infused with the influence of Portuguese immigrants, and, along with its magnificent dunes and luminous sunlight, a sacred land of the indigenous Wampanoag and Nauset people.


Particularly since the 1960’s onward, Ptown has become one of the best-known (and most cherished) destinations for LGBTQ-plus people to visit on vacation or to live year-round. The very first Provincetown Pride event took place in 1986 when the AIDS health crisis was nearing its height, and those first couple Pride gatherings were more somber occasions, with candlelit vigils. The town’s first actual Pride Parade was in 1989, and today, Ptown Pride is celebrated all during June, but especially the first full weekend of the month; Women of Color Weekend is also celebrated at this time.


So what about those special events and discounts?

BHCC is pleased to offer several opportunities to visit Provincetown during the month of June at a discount price. You’ll find our Fast Ferry catamarans to be a fun and picturesque way to get to Provincetown with convenience, comfort, and style, and you’ll beat beat the heavy vehicular traffic every time!  (And for all you day-trippers: remember that your weekday day-trips on Monday-Wednesday are always lower-priced than on weekends!)

Ptown Pride and Women of Color Weekend – Enter the special Discount Code PridePtown15 to save 15%-off your Ptown Fast Ferry reservations. Offer is valid for travel June 1-5, and applies to either round-trip or one-way tickets.

“Kids to the Cape” promotion June 22-29 – When school’s out for the summer, it’s a great time to bring the whole family down for a day-trip to Provincetown!  During June 22-29, all children age 12 and under ride the Ptown Fast Ferry for FREE.  No discount code is needed, just purchase your tickets online; the special offer is valid during June 22-29 only.  (Of course, all children must be accompanied by an adult ticket-holder.)

2023 Ptown Ferry Schedule

Other Provincetown special events in June 2023

Be sure to check these other events and opportunities taking place in Ptown this June!

  • Monday-Sunday, June 5-11: Sondheim By The Sea, A Celebration of his musical life & work (contact Provincetown Cabaret Fest)
  • Wednesday-Sunday, June 14-18: Provincetown International Film Festival (25th anniversary!)
  • Thursday-Sunday, June 15-18 Frolic: Men of Color Weekend (Attention members of Melanin Magic: contact the organization for information on a special discount!)
  • Monday, June 19: Juneteenth Independence Day
  • Thursday-Sunday, June 22-25: Provincetown Portuguese Festival and Blessing of the Fleet
  • Friday, June 23: Provincetown Arts Publishing Party at the PAAM (Provincetown Art Association & Museum) from 5 to 7 pm


Whether you’re a Ptown Fast Ferry veteran or a first-time visitor, we wish you a HAPPY PRIDE and look forward to welcoming you aboard!