
切尔西码头最初是远洋轮船的泊位,甚至是泰坦尼克号的航行目的地。今天,它是纽约市的一个充满活力、精力充沛和备受追捧的地区,以其户外活动、健身、活动和你猜到的食物而闻名!毕竟,你必须想象一个足以让人喜爱的 "美食网络 "的地方!毕竟,你必须想象一个足以让人喜爱的 "美食网络"称之为家的地方,周围有任何美食家都想去探索的地方。


如果没有一个好的海鲜店,码头边的餐馆名单就不完整。美人鱼旅馆就是这样,而且还有一些。"美人鱼旅馆的设计是为了唤起人们在一个小的海滨村落中享受迷你假期的感觉,"该餐厅的网站上说。美人鱼旅馆以其热情好客而闻名,最初是一家新英格兰风格的海鲜餐厅,现在已经演变成一家具有全球灵感的 "海鲜酒馆"。

New York Signature Dinner Cruise

If you want to kick it up a notch, board a Signature Dinner Cruise at Chelsea Piers for a 2.5-hour dinner cruise that will make for an unforgettable evening. A delicious dinner buffet with freshly prepared entrees, salads, and desserts awaits you all while enjoying spectacular views of New York City’s magical skyline and local landmarks. You will also be treated to onboard live DJ entertainment, interactive games, and access to the open-air rooftop lounge or climate-controlled spaces. Dine the night away with friends and family and soak in all the beauty that New York City offers right from Chelsea Piers.


If you are looking for a unique lunch place, The Bateaux New York is an elegant experience that you do not want to miss. Cruise along the East and Hudson Rivers to see iconic views of New York City with boarding from Chelsea Piers. The glass-enclosed deck provides a luxurious perspective from the water all while dining with friends and family with a delicious plated lunch all using freshly prepared ingredients. Curated music featuring a live pianist and live narration make for a one-of-a-kind experience that will be talked about for years to come.


Cookshop是一个与众不同的烹饪体验。他们的菜单以最新鲜的原料为重点 - 赋予农场到餐桌的新含义。认真对待 "新鲜",Cookshop经常根据当地供应商提供的新鲜食材改变其菜单。

Cull & Pistol

Located in the heart of Chelsea Market is The Cull & Pistol Oyster Bar, a Michelin-acclaimed seafood restaurant beloved by locals and tourists alike. Known for exceptional service and seasonal menus, sourced from the varied offerings of their sister seafood market, The Lobster Place. They consider themselves seafood pioneers bringing unique experiences with seafood since 1974.  Check out their Happy Hour with prices sure to make you “happy”!


用活力四射来形容Shukette将是一种轻描淡写的说法。在色彩、味道和文化方面,不难看出为什么这里是纽约市最时尚的地中海餐厅之一。Shukette以提供 "本地采购和可持续发展 "的菜单为荣,甚至为客人提供了坐在厨房对面的机会,他们可以看到厨师们精心制作的饭菜和演示。





切尔西码头做的一件事是作为所有类型的体育和休闲活动的中心。还有什么比用食物来加强任何活动更好的方法呢?看看Water Hazard Bar & Lounge,这是将食物和饮料与练习场搭配在一起的持续趋势的一个伟大尝试。只是这个练习场可以俯瞰哈德逊河!不喜欢高尔夫?看看Bowlmor Lanes,这个地方以保龄球、街机游戏和它的Behemoth Burger(一个重达6磅、14英寸的汉堡)闻名! 因为这里是纽约市,总有地方可以吃到披萨。穿上滑冰鞋,在天空溜冰场的Piers Pizza Company快速吃上一片。



即使在一个地区有这么多的美食,如果不乘坐Bateaux New York Premier Plus晚餐游轮,"大苹果"的体验就不完整。从61号码头出发,航行在东河和哈德逊河上,同时欣赏到壮观的、独一无二的城市全景。再加上一些饮料、现场音乐和令人垂涎欲滴的新鲜三道菜,你将会度过一个难忘的夜晚。如果你正在考虑做一些特别的事情来庆祝某个场合,从全玻璃封闭的甲板上舒适地观看世界著名的纽约市天际线,意味着你可以全年无忧地预订这种体验。


Is there parking available at Chelsea Piers?

On-site parking is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week on Piers 59, 60, and 61. Complimentary twenty-minute parking is available for any drop-offs.

What can I find at Chelsea Piers?

Situated on Piers 59, 60, and 61, Chelsea Piers features numerous restaurants, sports, and entertainment venues, as well as event spaces, Silver Screen Studios, and a commercial marina with both excursions and private boats.

What are the best dining options at Chelsea Piers?

There are so many options for dining at Chelsea Piers with literally anything under the sun that you can think of to please your inner foodie. The Mermaid, Cookshop, Cull & Pistol are just a few but for a one-of-a-kind dining experience, try a Dinner Cruise to enjoy the food and not only take in the views but be part of the views!

Should I bring my family to Chelsea Piers?

There is so much to do at Chelsea Piers for families. You can go bowling, there is a golf driving range, rock climbing, enjoy many restaurants, take a dining cruise and so much more.

Original post date: April 18, 2023