When you think of New Orleans, you think about an exciting and inviting city, with spectacular restaurants, jazz, Mardi Gras, Bourbon Street, and so much more. The city is known as the Birthplace of Jazz, The Big Easy, and the Crescent City. 

"坐落在距离密西西比河河口100英里的弯道上。新奥尔良位于距离密西西比河河口100英里的一个弯道上,自17世纪初以来一直是路易斯安那州的主要城市和墨西哥湾最繁忙的北方港口。这座兼容并蓄的城市是 由法国人建立.然后,它被西班牙人统治了40年。然后在1803年,它被美国在路易斯安那购买中买下。

快进到 1900年代,新奥尔良看到它的有轨电车变成了电动车,它的爵士乐在俱乐部和舞厅里出现。这座伟大的城市似乎能克服挑战,每次都能回来,并展示它的实力。



这个城市以一些最好的餐馆以及独特的食物而闻名。请看 指挥官的宫殿位于该市的花园区。自1893年以来,这家餐厅一直以其 "高级克里奥尔美食 "令客人惊叹。高级克里奥尔美食."一些世界顶级厨师,从埃默里尔-拉加斯(Emeril Lagasse)到保罗-普鲁多姆(Paul Prudhomme),都曾帮助指挥官宫成为该镇的美味。

Head on over to Herbsaint. From its start in 2000 on St. Charles Avenue in the Central Business District, the restaurant is a favorite with families, tourists, and people strolling in after work. The seasonal menu is a mix of French, Southern, and rustic Italian. And Chef Donald Link’s restaurant group has many James Beard awards. 

Brigtsen’s is a lovely spot situated in the Riverbend neighborhood and housed in a “century-old Victorian cottage.” The restaurant is known for its modern Creole food. You’ll feel like you’re with friends in their homes while tasting some of the finest cuisine that New Orleans has to offer. 


Head On Over to Bourbon Street

Bourbon Street is full of life, it “embodies the life of a party town.” It’s noisy, open all night, lit by neon lights, filled with sounds of music, and home to crowds of people. “With its windows and doors flung open to the wandering crowds, it should be no surprise that the famed sidewalk strolling libation known as the ‘go cup’ was invented on Bourbon Street, according to Tulane University historian Richard Campanella.” 

When you’re on Bourbon Street, check out Jean Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop. It’s a Creole cottage bar. You’ll find this place filled with mystery and lots of old New Orleans. It was built between 1722 and 1732 and is said to be the “oldest structure used as a bar in the United States.” 

"另一个 文化主干波旁街的另一个文化支柱是老苦艾酒屋建筑,它建于1806年,是一家家族式的进口公司"。调酒师卡耶塔诺-费雷尔(Cayetano Ferrer)就是在这里创造了苦艾酒屋星冰乐,而且你今天仍然可以沉浸在这种饮料中。就在这里停下吧。



新奥尔良城市公园是 1,300英亩并且是该国最大的城市公园之一。"它也是 的家它也是世界上最大的成熟活橡树林的所在地,其中一些有近800年的历史"。新奥尔良有丰富的景点,很多都在城市公园里。你会发现新奥尔良植物园、Couturie森林和植物园、新奥尔良艺术博物馆、路易斯安那州儿童博物馆、旋转木马花园、城市推杆,以及大湖的自行车和小船出租处。

In the park, you’ll also find great outdoor spaces for children, golfing, fishing, and boat rental, festival grounds, and Cafe du Monde for some of New Orleans’s favorite pastries. 



Cruise the Lower Mississippi River in Style

对于那些有更多时间寻找密西西比河探险的人来说。的人来说,可以选择 密西西比河下游,往返新奥尔良是一个你不想错过的为期八天的过夜游。从新奥尔良开始,在洛杉矶的诺托威、洛杉矶的波因特库佩、密西西比州的纳奇兹、密西西比州的维克斯堡停留,然后巡航,直到你回到新奥尔良。

The all-inclusive scenic cruise features a one-night pre-cruise hotel stay, ground transfers, unlimited guided tours, unlimited beverages, an open bar, acclaimed cuisine, onboard entertainment, and more.  

New Orleans is as exciting as it seems. When you visit, you’ll want to see it all. So, pace yourself and make sure you enjoy every minute of this lively city that makes it easy to fall in love again and again. 

原帖日期: 2022年8月9日