

How did the two of you meet?
Danny: We were both in Jersey, so we met at the beach. It was eleven years ago, at this point. We’ve been together ever since then, all through college—multiple colleges for Joaimee—and work for myself. We got engaged in a helicopter over New York City.

Joaimee, did you know he was going to propose?
He kept telling me about a dinner that we were having and he had all these things planned. He kept making it out to be something extravagant. The week before, I said “Well, I hope it’s what I think it is.” He played that off. He said “No, it’s not, so don’t think about that.”

だから、特に何も考えていなかったんです!どこに行くかも知らなかったので、驚きでした!その週はずっとニューヨーク州北部の友人と一緒に過ごしていました。金曜日に彼が私のために服を全部選んでくれて、それが私たちの部屋にあったんです。車が迎えに来てくれたんです。私は "さて、どこに行くんだろう?"と思いました。私たちは彼を迎えに行き、それからヘリコプター・パッドまで運転しました。

Did you immediately start wedding planning?
Danny: We waited a little bit. I knew I wanted to have the reception on a boat. I wanted to do something different. I come from a big Italian family. Everyone does the typical country club or banquet hall type thing. I didn’t want to do what everyone else has done so we were looking at boats.

インフィニティ号というボートを見たとき、これだ、と思いました。船を降りた瞬間、"間違いなくこれだ "と思いました。

How did you balance the decision-making?
Danny: I had the reception piece of the puzzle envisioned. I told Joaimee “I’ll take care of this big piece of the puzzle and you take care of all the special details. This is what I want, and everything else can be yours. As long as I get the boat, I’m happy.”


What was it like working with Kathleen, your wedding coordinator from Hornblower?
Danny: She went through the menu with us, she went over all the tablecloths and all that fun stuff. She put everything in front of us and asked what we wanted to do. She gave us her opinions on certain items but she let us make our own decisions. We knew what we wanted and it was plain and simple. She didn’t have to hold our hand too much.

What was the song for your first dance?
Joaimee: It was “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” by Meghan Trainor and John Legend.


Joaimee:女の子はもうバスに乗ってましたよ。私は "見逃したよ!"と言いました。引き離すと、遠くで歩いているのが見えて...追い越すと歩道を歩いているのが見えると思ったけど、その前にバスが曲がってしまったんだ。

Were there any particular moments that stick out from your wedding or your reception?
Danny: The whole night stood out! The view was just amazing. The only way you could get backdrops like that is if you went to a studio and had the backdrop changed every few minutes. Being able to be near where we live and being able to be in front of the Freedom Tower…it was all about the backdrops and the family. It was really the setting that made it.

Joaimee: 披露宴の写真がたくさんあります。みんなが一晩中楽しんでいる様子が写っているものばかりです。披露宴をどこでやるかという話になったとき、みんなが「すごいね、クレイジーだね」と言っていました。船の上?" と言っていました。みんな、これはかなりすごいことになると思っていました。



You also had your own maitre d’ for the day, right?
Danny: Gabriel was fantastic. He was kind of like your shadow, and always knew when to be there. At one point I yelled “Stop the boat!” in front of the Statue of Liberty. He said, “You want me to stop the boat?” I asked, “Can you?” And he said, “Sure, I’ll call the captain.” He literally just stopped the boat for us.

Joaimee:"夕食の準備ができたら言ってくれれば、キッチンから持ってくるよ "と言ってくれました。他に何か欲しいものがあれば言ってくれ "と。すべて私たちのためだったんです。素晴らしいことです。


Were you able to get everyone dancing?
Joaimee: Everyone was on the dance floor the whole night. DJ Kevin G was playing.


Joaimee:最後に演奏してくれた曲のひとつが、『ダーティ・ダンシング』の「(I've Had) The Time of My Life」だったんです。ダニーと私は一緒に踊って、リフトをしたんです。予定外のことでした。D.J.がこの曲を流し始めて、私が「リフトをやるのか」と言ったら、ダニーが「ああ、もちろんだ。と言った。踊っていると、ガブリエルが2階のバルコニーに上がってきて、私たちに花びらを投げてくれたんです。これは面白い。本当にかわいい」と思いました。




写真撮影Idalia Photographyhttps://www.idaliaphotography.com/


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