Easter is a favorite for anyone with a sweet tooth. But why do we celebrate with chocolate bunnies, ham, jelly beans and eggs? Find out how there’s more than meet’s the bunny’s eye about this fascinating and very delicious holiday.

The story of the Easter bunny was brought over to American shores in the 1700s by German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania. The story involves a hare called Oschter Haws who laid colored eggs in nests made by children. People really dug the story and started celebrating along with the immigrants.

Eggs at Easter is not a new tradition. In the 13th century, people observing Lent would avoid eating forbidden foods such as eggs. To mark the end of the period, they would paint them and eat them on Easter to celebrate.

Easter egg dyes weren’t always brightly colored powders bought from the store. People first started dying eggs with natural items such as tree bark, onion peels, flower petals and juices.

Jelly beans originated during the Biblical-era and were first called Turkish Delight.

Bunny ears get the first bite. When people first unwrap their chocolate bunny, 76% bite off the ears, 5% go for the feet and 4% for for the tail.

In 1910, PEEPS were introduced to Easter by a Russian immigrant in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Since then, they have a cult like following that participates in everything from PEEP contests to scientific experiments. Want to find out how well a PEEP survives when being exposed to intense temperatures. Visit the PEEP Research Lab.

Easter ham dates back to a story about a wicked queen, Ishtar, who gave birth to a son who was killed by a wild pig. In spite, the queen designated Sunday as the day for people to eat pig.

Unsure about what to do with all of those left over eggs? In Haux, France, residents make a giant omelet on Monday that can reach three yards across and feed 1,000 people.

Easter is the biggest candy holiday, beating out Halloween and Christmas.

Want to know more about the Easter bunny? Check out the Easter Bunny Museum in Munich for the thrilling history of this much loved holiday.

Bonus Fact: Brunch is the most popular meal for Easter celebrations.

Hornblower Cruises & Events is celebrating Easter Brunch in our 5 ports nationwide, click here to find out more.

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