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What type of food will be served during the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego?

The Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego features a menu of gourmet cuisine, with options for all dietary restrictions.

Is live entertainment provided during the cruise?

Yes, live entertainment is provided during the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego to add to the festive atmosphere.

Are children allowed on the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego?

Children are welcome on the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego.

What is the dress code for the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego?

Dress for the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego is typically upscale, semi-formal attire.

Can I cancel my reservation for the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego?

SEMUA jualan adalah muktamad. Tidak boleh dikembalikan dan tidak boleh dipindah milik melainkan Jaminan Tiket dibeli.

What is the weather like in San Diego during Easter?

The weather in San Diego during Easter is typically mild, with average temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to mid-70s.

What is the highlight of the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego?

The highlight of the Easter Dinner Cruise in San Diego is the combination of gourmet food, live entertainment, and breathtaking views of the San Diego waterfront.