In case you didn’t notice, summer is well and truly here! And you don’t need us to tell you that New York is surrounded by water… Or that getting out on the water is the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle, even if it’s only for a couple of hours.

On a good summer’s day NYC is an amazing place to be—but it’s not all roses and sunshine: the smell of trash, the humidity, sauna-like subway stations and rooftop bars that take an hour to get a drink.

Many of you know Rock the Yacht! is the perfect way to get away and party! If you haven’t experienced Rock the Yacht! yet, there’s never been a better time because now we’re cruising twice on Saturdays.

Now you have no excuse for missing the best weekly yacht party in New York City.

Rock the yacht used to be the place to kick off your night. But now it’s also an option for partying ‘til the early morning. It makes sense in the city that never sleeps.

Never been on a party cruise in NYC before? You’re missing out. But let us tell you exactly what you’re missing out on:

What you need to know:

In the famous words of Aaliyah: Rock the boat yacht. Ok so we changed it up a little, but you catch the drift. WARNING: This part may make you go cross eyed, but it’s info that you kind of need to know.

  • Rock the Yacht happens EVERY Friday and Saturday (cheers to the freaking weekend!)
  • On Fridays, boarding time is 8:30pm and cruises from 9:00pm-11:00pm (consider this the best pre-game location)
  • Saturday’s are BOMB. We now have two cruises back-to-back… Back-to-back (did you catch the Drake reference?!)
  • On Saturday’s you can:
    Board at 8:30pm and cruise from 9:00pm-11:00pm OR
    Board at 11:30pm and cruise from Midnight-2:00AM
  • This yacht can hold up to 400 people and all seats and tables are first come first serve. (And if you don’t know, now you know… —  Biggie Smalls.)
  • Don’t panic… We know everyone gets the munchies when they’re having fun, so just note we do have food available for purchase.
  • Oh yeah… you know it’s the best idea you’ve ever had for a bachelor or bachelorette party!

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