San Diego Whale Watching Blog

Stay up to date with our whales in San Diego. From our daily whale watching reports to photos and video, this is the spot for our favorite marine mammals. Blue Whale Watching Season runs from June to September!

2022-2023 Winter Whale Watching Report

Date Morning Cruise Afternoon Cruise Notes
4/16/23 2 Whales, 50 Dolphins Morning: Not far out of the bay, we spotted the spout of a juvenile gray whale. We stayed with him for a few cycles, but didn’t want to spook him so we headed west where there were reports of other whales. After a while, we came upon a Fin Whale. We stayed with the Fin for at least six cycles. Many times we got a very good look at the arched back and distinctive fin. While the whale was down we were entertained by common dolphins. We also had a variety of migrating birds land on deck, warblers, hummingbirds, a lazuli bunting. Captain Chad called it a “Fall Out” which means the birds were tired from there journey and dropped in on us for a rest.
4/15/23 4 Fin Whales
25 Common Dolphins

1 Blue Whale

1 (baby!) Mola Mola
Morning: Captain Chad took us towards the nine mile bank and we quickly encountered a pair of Fin Whales that gave us many good blows and looks, including some surfacing very close to the boat where the whale’s unique two-tone appearance was very visible. We journeyed on and found a group of playful common dolphins and a pair of blows behind us, but we traveled one because we could see a large blow in the distance which turned out to be a Blue Whale, potentially the first of the season! Excited guests got a great look at it. We also enjoyed a look at a cute baby Mola Mola sunning itself on the surface.
4/11/23 3 Fin Whales
1 Mola Mola
1 Juvenile Gray Whale
100 Common Dolphins
Morning: The day was cold and gray, but we came across 3 Fin whales about 9 miles out. They started out elusive but did come within about 50 feet of the boat, right off the bow. We had some good sightings. There were also a large pod of common dolphins feeding in the area and they obliged us by coming right up to and all around the boat. We did also see a mola mola while waiting for the whales to resurface. On the way back to the dock we were able to get a few glimpses of the juvenile gray whale hanging out at Ballast Point.
4/9/23 2 Fin Whales
50 Common Bottle Nose Dolphins
Morning: We spent about an hour about six miles from shore while two fin whales swam and spouted around our boat. There were approximately 50 common bottle nose dolphin that swam with the whales.
4/8/23 2 fin whales, 400 common dolphins 3 Fin Whales: a single adult, and an adult female with a calf
500 Common Dolphins
1 Gray Whale
Morning: We saw 2 fin whales, possibly one adult and one juvenile, who stayed with us for quite a while, offering clear sounds of their breathing and close views of their backs and dorsal fins. We saw one pod of about 100 common dolphins while out and then, on our way back, we had a second larger pod stampeding toward us, with at least 300 more dolphins.

Afternoon: The passengers were excited to finally spot the Fin whales. We followed the mother and calf for some time. The 3rd Fin whale could be seen in the distance traveling ahead of the mother and calf. We then spotted the 500 Common Dolphins engaging in a feeding frenzy along with numerous sea birds. Then, on the way back to the dock, the young Gray whale showed itself briefly near Ballast Point in the harbor. Additionally, several sea lions were seen sunning on the bouys both on the way out to sea and on the way back to the dock.
4/5/23 30 Common Dolphins Morning: The weather was beautiful, but we did not see any whales. We did see approximately 30 common dolphin in a small feeding frenzy.
4/2/23 1 Fin whale
1 Juvenile Gray Whale
500 Common Dolphins
Morning: About 7 miles off-shore we came upon a Fin Whale, who provided us multiple views. Everyone on boat had plenty of opportunities for viewing and taking photos/videos. We also came upon a large group of Common dolphins.
As we entered into San Diego Bay, we sighted the juvenile gray whale hanging out near the shoreline.
4/1/23 25 Risso Dolphins
Fin Whale
50 Common Nose Dolphins
Morning: Today was a fantastic day on the water with two rare sightings. We started with seeing approximately 25 Risso’s dolphin that actually swam toward our boat and stayed with us for about 15 minutes. Then we saw a fin whale that actually came up next to our boat twice and gave us a full body view as it swam parallel to the boat. The whale turned to it’s side as he if was trying to observe us! Fin whales are known to be “elusive” and we typically only see their dorsal fin and a small portion of their back before they take off. For this one to show itself and stay with us for as long as it did was amazing. On our way back to the bay, we saw about 50 common bottle nose dolphin who surfed and jumped in our wake.
3/30/23 2 Fin Whales
1 Gray Whale
Mom/Calf Pair of Humpback Whales
2 Adult Humpback whales
Morning: Once at the 9 mile bank, we spotted a Fin Whale. We stayed with it for 3 breath cycles & were able to get a nice look at it. We then spotted an additional Fin Whale close by and a Gray Whale in the distance.

Afternoon: Even though it was an overcast day, we saw a mom/calf pair of humpback whales about 3 miles off the coast. We stayed with them for about 30 minutes before heading due west toward the nine mile bank. We didn't get far before seeing what we thought was a very small pod of dolphins. However, it turned out to be about 8-10 sea lions rushing towards the boat. They soon realized that we had no food and so they carried on. At about 6 miles out we came across 2 more adult humpback whales and stayed with them for about 45 minutes.
3/28/23 2 fin whales
1 humpback whale
200 common dolphin
10 bottlenose dolphin
Morning: Leaving the bay, we came upon a small pod of bottlenose dolphin that chased the boat for a while. A little later, we sailed through a pod of common dolphin that put on a good show for the passengers passing around and under the boat. We soon spotted 2 fin whales that appeared to be juveniles by their size. After watching them for some time, it was time to return to the dock. On the way back, spotted a humpback well surrounded by feeding dolphin and seabirds.
3/27/23 1 fin whale, 100 common dolphin Morning: We spotted a fin whale about 12 miles out from Pt. Loma. The guests were thrilled with the great view of the fin whale as it arched and dove. We had an encounter with about 100 common dolphins.
3/24/23 1 gray whale Afternoon: Captain Rick got word of a spout not too far from the mainland so we didn't have to venture out too far into the ocean. We were lucky enough to find an adult gray whale who appeared to be feeding. The whale would take a few breaths at the surface before arching its back and diving down to feed. At one point, the whale was seen at the surface with a plume of mud trailing behind it, a tell tale sign of feeding behavior. Since this whale was going nowhere in a hurry, we stayed with the whale for about two hours, watching it as it enjoyed a midday snack. Guests were even treated to a few up close breaths as the whale surfaced just a few meters from the boat. When it was time to return to shore we said goodbye and left the whale to continue grabbing a bite before it continues it's migration back up to the Arctic.
3/20/23 1 Minke Whale
2 Gray Whales
1 Mola Mola
10 Common Dolphins
100 Off-Shore Bottlenose Dolphins
Morning: We saw very little until the end when we saw two Gray Whales spout, one Minke spout and show us their back, and a big Mola Mola.
3/19/23 40 Rizzo’s Dolphin
800+ Common Dolphin
1 Humpback Mother & Calf
1 Gray Whale, North bound
5 humpback whales, 1500 common dolphins Morning: First we came across a pod of about 40 Rizzo’s Dolphin. After watching them for awhile we saw hundreds of Common dolphin about a half a mile away so went to play with them. The dolphin raced over to the boat and soon we were surrounded by a very active pod, jumping and bow-riding. Suddenly they all started heading away from us toward Point Loma at great speed. We followed them to find a huge dark mass in the water – a bait ball! It was being attacked from all angles – hundreds of terns with there shrill calls filled the skies. As they dove in after the fish their splashes joined those of the huge pod of dolphin that we had followed to the area. Then in the midst of all this amazing action, a humpback was lunge feeding with her calf at her side! On the way back toward the harbor we came across a Gray whale, heading home, following the edge of the kelp forest. What a wonderful, exciting, morning on the Great Pacific – 2 species of dolphin and 2 species of whale.

Afternoon: Under cloudy skies with calm seas, we headed toward flocks of birds diving and dolphins joining in the feeding on a bait ball. Three humpbacks - adults/juveniles - took advantage of the feeding frenzy, and were quite active, diving and fluking. Later we saw a cow/calf pair of humpbacks moving without specific direction. The Captain announced a "stampede" of dolphins coming at us, like a fast-moving wave of at least 1500, as far as the eye could see.
3/18/23 3/18/23 am
Captain Rick
2 whales, 1000 dolphins
1 juvenile humpback Morning: Captain Rick heard of a cow/calf pair of humpbacks out at about 9 miles. Out there, we were treated to a show. They cruised along together with the mother fluking and the baby breaching. We got to see this cycle around 9 times. Eventually it was time to go, but before turning back we went out a little farther to see about 1,000 common dolphins feeding and frolicking in every direction.

Afternoon: We saw a juvenile humpback and got great views of the pectoral flippers through the water and it fluked a couple of times. Later we searched for some dolphins but weren’t able to find them so we went back the same humpback and got some more great views of the flippers and tail fluke.
3/17/23 2 Gray whales
1 Humpback whale
300+ common dolphin
Morning: We had barely exited the bay when the captain identified a humpback whale and 2 gray whales we would be watching. The two gray whales, who appeared to be juveniles, gave everyone a great show as they moved leisurely north. After watching them for a while, we passed through a pod of common dolphin in a feeding frenzy. Together with the accompanying gulls and pelicans, it was a fantastic sight. We then moved on to watch the humpback, which also appeared to be a juvenile. After another pass through a dolphin pod, it was time to head back.
3/16/23 Pod of Short Beaked Common Dolphins
1 Pair of Eastern Pacific Gray Whales
Morning: After 10 minutes our vessel headed west under calmer conditions about 2 miles off of Point Loma we encountered a pod of Short-beaked Common Dolphins who were feeding and hunting small bait fish. The Captain circled twice so guests could observe the dolphins behavior. Guests noticed that there were a few calves in the mix. The Adventure continued westward as the clouds lifted and the sun came out which made the weather pleasant. About 3 miles further west we sighted several spouts and we traveled to the area and determined that there was 1 pair of Eastern Pacific Gray Whales, a cow and calf pair along with an adult escort. After observing for 20 or so minutes we lost sight of the adult Gray Whale who most likely decided to venture away from the pair of whales. Guests on board enjoyed seeing the calf with its mom and how the mom guided the calf through the water. The escort reappeared and another adult Gray also joined the caravan of Gray Whales as they continued their journey back to the Chukchi Sea and Barents Sea.
3/14/23 1 Fin whale
1000+ Common dolphin
Morning: We came upon a large pod of more than 1,000 common dolphin that surrounded the boat for about 20 minutes. We were approaching our time limit when we were fortunate to spot a fin whale. Everyone got a good look at the whale over the course of a few cycles of surfacings and dives.
3/13/23 3 Gray Whales
75 Bottlenose Dolphins
750 Short-beaked Common Dolphins
Morning: About 750 Common Dolphins played around the boat as they fed on a large bait ball. A mother, her calf , and a young escort showed themselves as they were heading north. About 75 Bottlenose Dolphins swam near the boat for a short period of time.
3/12/23 2 Gray Whales
20 Dolphins
2 adult Humpback Whales, w/ one calf
500+ common dolphins
Morning: Our cruise started off well with 2 bottlenose dolphins in the harbor. When we left the bay we entered a fog bank. Visibility was limited as we headed west towards the nine mile bank. On our way out we saw a group of about 20 bottlenose dolphins. Many of them played in the bow wake. When we got out to the nine mile bank we slowed and searched for blows but didn’t see any. Eventually we had to start heading back. At about six miles out we saw a cow/calf pair of gray whales. We were able to follow them for a few cycles before heading back in.

Afternoon: Captain Chad found a trio of humpback whales, one of which was a very energetic calf. We observed this group for a while and saw the calf breach and tail slap. The adults were rolling and we got a good look at their pectoral fins. The whales waved goodbye with a great look at their tail flukes before we continued our journey. After leaving the whales, we came upon a large pod of common dolphins who enjoyed playing with our boat.
3/11/23 2 pilot whales
2 mola mola
30 bottlenose dolphins
5 sea lions
1000 common dolphins
Morning: Almost the first thing that happened was we came upon a large nursing pod of common dolphins, swimming and jumping all around the ship. We travelled with them for a while, then went to search for gray whales. We found another group of mammals which turned out to be a mixed group of two pilot whales, lots of bottlenose dolphins and a few sea lions all together feeding. One of the pilot whales was missing most of its dorsal fin but otherwise looked healthy and strong. Even though we did not see gray whales there was still a lot to see!
3/10/23 3 Fin Whales
1 Bottlenose Dolphin
Morning: Although the skies were mostly cloudy, the ocean was flat and winds were calm, making it a bit easier to spot several fin whales in the distance. We saw one adult, and then what appeared to be a mother/calf pair. One bottlenose dolphin swam by.
3/9/23 1 north bound juvenile gray whale
1 mola mola
100 common dolphin
Morning: We saw 2 separate pods of common dolphins that swam close to the boat. Many passengers got a good look at a mola mola on the port side of the ship that stayed on the surface of the water as we passed by. One juvenile gray whale was spotted on our way back into San Diego Bay. It mostly stayed below the water as we waited for it to surface. We saw it surface twice before we had to continue back to port.
3/6/23 1 Mother/Calf Humpback pair
1 adult Humpback
1 Mola Mola
700 Common Dolphin
2,500 Common Dolphins
1 Mother/Calf Humpback pair
3 Adult Gray Whales
Morning: Captain Rick headed straight for the nine mile bank. On the way we passed a Mola Mola. At 11 miles out we encountered a widespread pod of 700 Common Dolphin. As we were enjoying their cavorting, First Mate Brian spotted a whale spout about 2 miles further out. The spout turned out to be a Mother/Calf pair of Humpback whales, there was a lot of fluking, the calf even showed its flukes a couple of times, there were also two spy hops. As we were returning to the harbor we spied a lone Humpback, but did not have the time to stop.

Afternoon: Early into the cruise, we came across a bait ball with at least a hundred seabirds and a mega pod of about 2,500 common dolphins feeding. Everyone was excited to watch the dolphins leaping and bow riding. After watching the dolphins for at least 30 minutes, the crew saw some spouts in the distance to the west. We left the dolphins to head west when the captain noticed two humpbacks (a mom/calf pair) near the bait ball! We stayed and watched the humpbacks for about 30 minutes and enjoyed seeing the beautiful flukes and a couple of tail slaps. The captain then continued westward to about 11 miles offshore and toward more blows. We eventually encountered 3 adult gray whales heading north. We watched them until it was time to head back to the dock. We did see more blows in the distance to the south on our way in, and spotted the two humpbacks again
3/5/23 1 Minke Whale Morning: Once we departed San Diego harbor, Captain Chad turned West into a light breeze and headed offshore toward 9-Mile Bank. Part way to the Bank, we saw spouts to the South; however, the ship did not pursue these whale(s) as they were South of the US-Mexico boarder line. After reaching the Bank, the Captain throttled back and we searched for whales. Just before turn back to port we saw one Minke whale - a few quick surface puffs, then the small, elusive Minke was gone.
3/4/23 5 Humpback Whales
300 Common Dolphins
3 Adult Gray Whales
2 Adult Humpback Whales
50 Bottlenose Dolphins
Morning: After a cloudy start with nothing in sight, we came upon 5 humpback whales who delighted us with their proximity and activity. About 14 miles out, we drifted with them for quite a while, as they seemed to be playing around the boat, showing up on one side and then swimming to the other side. At least 300 common dolphins joined the party, swimming and also leaping through the air around the boat. There were two more whale spouts seen in the distance, with the best guess by the Captain that they were likely Fin Whales.

Afternoon: Captain Chad took us out to the 9 mile bank where we saw a pod of 3 adult gray whales headed northbound. In the vicinity were 2 adult humpbacks also. On our way out to the 9 mile bank we also came upon a pod of around 50 bottlenose dolphins that stayed with the boat a while and were bow riding.
3/2/23 2 Fin Whales
1500 Common Dolphins
Morning: Captain Dave heard reports of whales and dolphins “up North”, so we headed in that direction. Along the way we encountered two pods of Common Dolphin totaling 500 animals, we didn’t spend much time with them as we wanted to try to find the whales. As we neared the location where the whale had been sighted, we came upon a mega-pod of 1000 Common Dolphin. Their spouts blended together and formed a “hazy mist” over the area. At one point there were at least 12 of them swimming within inches of the bow Finally we were able to spot the whales blow, which turned out to be 2 Fin Whales. We watched 3 different surfacing events before we had to head back into port.
2/28/23 1 Bryde Whale Morning: The captain spotted a whale’s blow approximately two miles from shore and steered the ship toward it. We saw two more blows north of the first sighting and then the whale came to the surface. However, all we could see was a quick blow and the whale’s dorsal fin making it difficult to see any other remarkable traits. The captain believed it was a Bryde’s whale, but the whale was gone before we knew it.
2/27/23 1 Gray Whale
1500+ Commong Dolphins
5 Bottlenose Dolphins
1 Mola Mola
Morning: Captain Dave found many large groups of Common Dolphins that were very active; several pods of 500+ were spotted. We found one adult gray whale making its way south and had many good looks as it went on its way and this whale liked to show its fluke!
2/19/23 2 Gray Whales
1 Humpback Whale Cow and calf pair
1000 Common Dolphin
2 adult Gray Whales
1 juvenile Gray Whale
Several Common Dolphins
Morning: Soon out of the harbor we came across 2 Southbound adult Gray whales that were taking long sounding dives. After a few good looks at those we traveled West where we came across a humpback with calf. It was beautiful to watch them together, always touching, synchronizing dives and showing flukes. The underside of the calf’s fluke nearly all white and the much larger mother’s fluke very little white with barnacles at the edges. In the same area, to top off the morning, there was a huge pod of Common dolphin that surrounded us and rode the bow wave.

Afternoon: Spotted a juvenile gray whale at a distance when the captain decided to look elsewhere for closer whales. We eventually followed two adults for about an hour. From talking to people onboard it was clear that many had never seen a whale before and the passengers' shrieks of delight when the whales fluked made for a fantastic shared experience. A few common dolphin rode the bow wake as we passed North Island on the way back.
2/18/23 2 Gray Whales: a cow/calf pair
200 Long-beaked Common Dolphins
3 Gray Whales
2,000 Common Dolphins
California Sea Lions

Morning: After steaming north as far as Mission Bay, we hooked up with a cow/calf gray whale pair, and followed them for a good while. Then we headed offshore to hook up with a very spread out line of Common Dolphin, Long-Beaked. Everyone got great looks at both the whales and dolphins; it was especially notable to hear their blows.

Afternoon: We had some of the expected sightings of California sea lions and double-breasted cormorants on the bait barge heading out of San Diego Bay. There was a massive megapod of dolphins sighted in the distance and Captain Eric headed for them. We got to spend nearly the rest of the cruise in the Pacific among or within sight of this megapod of 2,000 common dolphins. Shortly after reaching the and traveling among the megapod, three Grey Whales were spotted swimming North very near to one another. We spent about 20-30 minutes following these Grays before it was time to head back to the dock. On the way back to the bay, there was a single Gray whale spotted in the distance headed South, we did not follow this whale due to time limitations. The megapod of Common Dolphins only fell out of sight about 20 minutes outside of the bay.
2/17/23 2 Gray Whales
50 Risso’s Dolphins
25 Common Dolphins
5 Bottlenose Dolphins
2 Gray Whales
375 Common Dolphin
Morning: Captain Dave gave everyone a real treat when he brought us up to a large pod of Risso’s Dolphins very early in the cruise — This group of 50+ was very close to shore and very active and playful, with lots of leaping, tail slaps and breaching. We followed a pair of southbound migrating gray whales for a while and had several great heart-shaped blows (sometimes in sync) and many flukes. We spent some time with a smaller group of common dolphins and everyone enjoyed a bonus sighting of about 5 bottlenose dolphins riding the boat’s wake as we re-entered the harbor!

Afternoon: We started the cruise by passing a navy submarine on its way back to shore, a rare and marvelous sight! We then came across a large pod of common dolphins. Later in the cruise we encountered a smaller pod of dolphins exhibiting mating and feeding behaviors. It wasn’t until the final moments out at sea that we saw the blows of a cow and calf pair of Gray Whales. As the boat turned back toward shore we saw tall spouts of possible humpbacks in the distant horizon.
2/15/23 75 Long Beak Common Dolphins

Morning: Unfortunately no whales were sighted but a lot of dolphins and cormorants.
2/12/23 3 adult Gray whales
1 Juvenile
2 Humpback Whales
1 Gray Whale
1000 Common Dolphins
Morning: Spent the first part of the trip along side a juvenile consistently showing flukes. then traveled south to meet up with 3 adult whales, two showing some mating activity.
Afternoon: We started the afternoon cruise by finding a feeding frenzy of pelicans. Upon arriving closer to the frenzy we noticed several dolphins feeding alongside the birds. We continued so see several of these feeding frenzies throughout the cruise.
It wasn’t long before we came across a Gray Whale headed South and a Humpback breach right in front of the boat! The remainder of the cruise we kept two humpbacks in sight, seeing several blows and flukes from the same animals. We even had the chance to see a large pod of dolphins travel through with the humpback blows in the distance.
2/10/13 5 Adult Gray Whales
100 Short Beaked Common Dolphins
3 Bottlenose Dolphins

4 Gray Whales
200 Long-Beaked Common dolphins
Morning: Shortly after exiting the mouth of San Diego Bay we spotted 4 southbound adult gray whales. We watched them for a while and then a 5th adult gray whale joined the group. They would take a couple of breaths and then do a deep dive, often synchronizing their dives and showing their flukes simultaneously. We also occasionally observed some rolling (mating) behavior. As Captain Erik said, they were very showy gray whales. We eventually left the whales in search of dolphins and found a pod of approximately 100 short-beaked common dolphins almost immediately. The guests were beyond thrilled. Then we saw one of the whales that we had just left breaching! Oh the joy and excitement. We also saw three bottlenose dolphins in the bay as well.

Afternoon: Captain Eric took us a few miles east where we spotted a couple blows in the distance. As we reached the area we spotted 4 gray whales traveling slowly south. A large herd of scattered common dolphins were in the area too, with several mixed in with the whales. The whales were surfacing close together with a little bit of barrel rolling (courtship behavior). A couple times, one whale did a chin hop and surfaced upside-down. We remained with the whales and dolphins for the afternoon and everyone enjoyed close looks at the whales surfacing and fluking and dolphins surfacing near the boat. Seabirds were also in the area including a brown booby that circled over the whales a couple times. We headed into the bay to see sea lions lounging on the bait docks and the late afternoon sun highlighting the city.
2/9/23 1 Juvenile Gray Whale
1 Adult Gray Whale
Sea Lions
Morning: Spotted one juvenile Gray Whale headed South- unpredictable, so moved on. Later stayed with an adult Gray for one breath cycle, then lost it. Saw several sea lions and one seal.
2/8/23 5 Gray Whales Morning: Shortly after exiting the bay we found a curious juvenile gray whale. Then we headed north toward Mission Bay where we found a very shy, adult gray whale.Neither of these showed their fluke. As we were heading back we found three adult gray whales swimming just under the surface with multiple blows simultaneously all showing flukes
2/6/23 6 Gray Whales
1000+ Common Dolphins
Morning: A truly incredible experience as we were able to encounter gray whales almost immediately after leaving the harbor! We stayed with the first pair for a while, then saw a few singles, but the real thrill came later in the cruise when we encountered a mating pair rolling and bobbing. Captain Rick kept the boat perfectly positioned and we sat almost entirely still for nearly 30 minutes as we watched this pair roll, slap their tails, spy hop and stay in nearly perfect sync. The whales were just next to the boat and guests were treated to a fantastic encounter, including a rare opportunity to even hear a whale vocalization! We also encountered a huge pod of common dolphins, many of which stayed with the whales.
2/5/23 4 gray whales
a single common dolphin
24 false killer whales
10 common dolphins
1 gray whale
Morning: Not long after reaching the open waters off Point Loma, we encountered a single gray whale heading south. We then spotted a pair of gray whales traveling together also heading south, that we were able to track for a good 15 minutes. It's always fun to watch them do a series of appearances at the surface before a final dive signaled by a salute of their flukes Not long after we encountered the gray whales our captain received a report from another boat of a sighting of, well, they weren't sure what they had. We were in for a super surprise once we reached the pods. We were able to follow a couple of small pods of false killer whales! It was such a rare treat. Captain Chad said he had never seen these animals in his 25 year career, not surprising since this species of dolphin tends to be found mainly in tropical regions. We were able to stay with them for at least 20 minutes. If it weren't for the fact that they were headed straight for Mexican waters we would have followed them longer but we had to turn around. Luckily, before making the turn, some of these magnificent creatures put on a display of aerial acrobatics that was spectacular. Onboard, the crowd loved it and those who are regulars on whale watching trips were more than impressed. We were incredibly fortunate to see such a scarce sight. Before heading back to the dock we still had a couple of more sightings. We were tailed by a single common dolphin for a while and watched a gray whale, possibly a juvenile, make a series of single dives, no snorkeling, but each dive ending with flukes in the air
Afternoon: Guests were able to see two different small pods of common dolphins and we finished our trip with a solo gray whale. The whale didn't appear to be trying to get anywhere in a hurry and spent a lot of time in the same area, so we were able to see several different breath cycled. We were treated at the end to a beautiful fluke as the whale went down for a long dive and we headed back to land.
2/4/23 1 juvenile whale
1 whale/calf pair
500 common dolphins
5 sea lions
3 gray whales
1 Mola Mola
200 Common Dolphins
Morning: Under sunshine and blue skies on a picture perfect San Diego day, we saw a juvenile whale heading south, staying below for long periods before the next series of breaths and showing flukes. We were treated by at least 500 dolphins, who were very acrobatic in leaping through the air and slapping the water. Then a mother and calf came our way, staying close to each other and to the surface.
Afternoon: We saw a group of about 5 sea lions swimming together out in the ocean. Then we found 3 gray whales together. It was so fun to see all their blows and tails one after the other, especially when they glistened in the sun. The whales swam close enough to the boat we could hear their blows. We also found a big Mola Mola (ocean sunfish) basking in the sun. On the way back we found a pod of about 200 common dolphin. Some of them were stampeding in the distance, some were feeding nearby, and some surfing in our wake.
2/3/23 1 Mother/Calf gray whale pair
2 Adult gray whales
30 Risso’s dolphins
1000 Common dolphins
Morning: We spotted the mother/calf pair as we were approaching buoy SD1. We only stayed with them for a short time due to heavy boat traffic. As we were heading north looking for whale spouts we saw a small group of Common dolphins, so went to investigate. They seemed to be more interested in feeding than playing with us so we continued north. But for the next 30 to 40 minutes, there was always a different group of Common dolphins swimming towards us. Then Captain Eric spotted a concentration of 500 common Dolphin. After leaving them we came upon a pod of 30 Risso’s dolphins, one of whom breached 5 times. Then we received a report from the America that they were with 2 adult gray whale so head south to see them, we saw them fluke a couple of times, but we were out of time and had to head in.
2/2/23 1 adult Gray Whale
1 juvenile Gray Whale
650 Common Dolphins
Morning: After exiting the bay, we quickly found one Gray Whale traveling South. After staying with it for a few breath cycles, we moved on and found a pod of around 250 Common Dolphins. Later, we came upon a pod of 400-500 Common Dolphins. We ended our trip by spotting a juvenile Gray Whale, stayed with it for a couple of breaths & headed back.
4 bottlenose dolphins
7 gray whales
Morning: Encountered four bottlenose dolphins at the edge of the harbor on the way out to the ocean. Within less than an hour and a half a set of adult gray whale flukes were sited. After several fluke sightings of these two gray whales, the Captain was informed by other ships in the area that more gray whales had been sited about four miles further north up the San Diego coastline. We headed there where another pair was observed. Additionally, three separate single gray whales were watched by our group. One of the single gray whales was grazing in a giant kelp bed.
1/29/23 5 gray whales 3 gray whales
3 Bottlenose dolphins
Morning: Even with gray skies and drizzle, we spotted a couple of groups of Gray whales as they traveled south. They were somewhat elusive, but passengers were able to get some good views.
Afternoon: As we departed the bay, we were surprised with sun peeking through the gray clouds! The sun rays added a nice backdrop to the views of the 3 gray whales that we spent time with throughout the cruise. And, toward the end of the cruise, as we were returning to the bay, a few passengers spotted Bottlenose Dolphins that crossed the bow of the Adventure.
1/28/23 6 gray whales
4 bottlenose dolphins
Morning: We saw 2 single juvenile whales, and then a trio of adults. Another adult seemed to be heading toward the trio, trying to catch up. The trio was in sync with their blows and several deeper dives showing their flukes. After we re-entered SD Bay and were almost back to the dock, 4 bottlenose dolphins appeared and swam past the bow, welcoming us back.
1/27/23 9 Gray Whales
1 cow/calf pair
75 Pacific White-sided Dolphins
Morning: We were about a mile out when we saw a large spout along with a smaller spout and identified our 1st sighting of the day-a cow and very young calf (4-6 weeks old approximately) heading south. It was so exciting for all onboard to see the behavior of the mom being protective and encouraging her calf to continue swimming toward the Los Coronado Islands, the gateway to the lagoons of Baja California Mexico. Captain Eric decided to continue our course heading in a westerly direction to sight more Eastern Pacific Gray Whales. Within 10 minutes we came upon a single Gray heading south at a steady pace. Guests on board got really great photos of the spout and fluke. We continued our journey and found a pair of Grays that were rolling with their flippers and spouting, Then a short distance from the pair we identified another adult Gray. A Whaler and guests who were in the back of the boat sighted another pair of adults spouting and fluking. Guests on board were so excited and thrilled to see a migratory pod of 75 Pacific White-sided Dolphins that came close to the Adventure enjoying the bow riding and surfing the waves in the back of the vessel. As the dolphins continued their time by the vessel 2 more adult Grays were quarter of a mile from the Adventure. The guests began shouting and pointing to more whales that were spouting and fluking in the distance. The Whalers on board call this amazing encounter "Whale Soup" as there were many more whales in such a short distance from the vessel.
1/26/23 1 Gray
100 Common Dolphins
Morning: After about two hours of no luck, we crossed the path of about 100 Common dolphins. They were active and playful, per usual. Luckily, just before heading back in, we got a tip from another ship & were able to spend several breaths with a lone Gray whale- headed South. No flukes (or much more than a peak of its blowhole and head,) but everyone on board was happy to have seen a whale!
1/23/23 8 gray whales: 7 adults, 1 juvenile Morning: After spotting a singular gray whale we moved south to watch a pair for a while. We followed a pair of whales engaged in what appeared to be courting behavior. The two whales repeatedly rolled on their sides and swam around each other at a shallow depth. Their flukes often came out of the water sideways, making them look like fins. We followed them until we were close to the Mexico border, so the captain turned us north back toward the bay. As we were doing so we came across a mother and calf heading south.
1/22/23 3 Gray Whales including a mother/calf pair. 600 long-beaked
400 short-beaked common dolphins.
1/20/23 5 gray whales (4 adult, 1 juvenile) 350 common dolphins Morning: With early morning reports of a whale spotted a few miles off shore, Captain Rick was confident we would have a good day of sightings. We weren't disappointed, as within a few miles of leaving the harbor we saw a gray whale surfacing - it was the one who had been reported earlier in the morning! The whale showed off its quintessential heart-shaped blow and treated us to a shot of its flukes before diving below. We then ventured on and found a pair of adult gray whales who surfaced several times in each breath sequence and later on an adult and juvenile pair of grays. We finished the trip with hundreds of common dolphins who could be seen from every angle of the boat, including a nursery pod with some calves.
1/18/23 2 Grays
500 Common Dolphins
Morning: We caught up with two Gray Whales heading south and followed them until we had to turn around before we went into Mexican waters. Returning to the dock we encountered 500 Common Dolphins.
1/15/23 4 Gray whales
30 Pacific White-sided dolphin
200 Common dolphin
Morning: A few Whalers had an unusual bird sighting - a Masked Booby. Soon out of the harbor we came upon a juvenile Gray whale but it kept changing direction so we moved on. A pod of Pacific White-sided dolphin joined us for awhile for bow-riding. It didn’t take long before Captain Rick found 2 more Gray whales, these were adults and we observed them displaying mating behavior. We had some really good views as they stayed close to the surface. All around us were Common dolphin, including quite a few young. On the way back to the harbor we spotted another single whale but it too was being illusive. The sky was full of seabirds, many diving close to the boat. At the bait docks we saw a number of basking sealions, a handful of egrets, and a Brandt’s Cormorant with it’s brilliant blue throat.
1/14/23 5 Grey Whales
Small pod of Pacific White Side Dolphins
1000 common dolphins
Morning: As we got into open ocean we came upon three grey whales frolicking in the water together, joined by a small pod of pacific white sided dolphins. It was amazing to watch them play, coming up multiple times before their deeper dives. We had multiple fluke sightings. While we were watching the three whales close up there were also two grey whales in the distance.
On our way back to the dock we came upon a large 1000 dolphin pod that stayed with us for over 15 minutes, jumping and eating a long the way. Finally, we passed the bait docks to view the California Sea lions.
1/13/23 1 Southbound juvenile Gray Whale
1 small pod of 25 Common Dolphins
2 Southbound Adult Gray Whales
1 larger pod of 125 Common Dolphins
Morning: The Adventure headed out of the San Diego Bay under cloudy skies until we reached the area where the ocean and bay water meet and the sun met us! We were just slightly past the tip of Point Loma when we encountered a juvenile Eastern Pacific Gray Whale heading south. This is an area where the Gray Whales sight Point Loma and turned toward the Los Coronado Islands as that is the passageway to the Lagoons in Baja California, Mexico. The captain followed the juvenile for about 20 minutes letting guests observe the spouts, body and fluke of the Whale. We then came into contact with a small pod of 25 Common Dolphins that came close to the boat delighting guests on board. The Adventure continued to the west and the Whaler Naturalists on board sighted 2 adult Gray Whales and of course we headed over to check these incredible whales out. We observed both Gray Whales fluking and their unique spout formation is mesmerizing to watch!! As our time came to a close we were very fortunate to have another encounter with a pod of 125 Common Dolphins that came close to ride the bow of the vessel and surf the back of the vessel too!
1/7/23 5 whales
400 dolphins
2 Gray whales
Pod of 95 Common Dolphins
50 California Sea Lions
1 Bottlenose Dolphin
Morning: After going south for 2-3 miles, we first saw an adult gray whale, then a mother/calf duo, plus another adult after going farther south. We spotted one or two spouts in the distance, but too far to tell for sure if they were gray whales. Large pods of common dolphins joined us several times throughout the morning, totaling at least 400 overall. All the guests were thrilled with the close-up views, especially watching the mother whale taking care of the calf, keeping it close at all times.

Afternoon: Between 4 to 5 miles out, spouts were spotted in the distance to the West and we quickly found a pair of adult Gray Whales that were traveling South. The Adventure then traveled alongside the pair of whales for over an hour and were joined by a pod of around 95 Common Dolphins. The bait dock was occupied by about 50 California Sea Lions, all napping together, accompanied by 20 to 30 Cormorants and a Great Blue Heron. The City Cruises crew also reported seeing a Bottlenose Dolphin on the way back to the dock.

12/31/22 1 Gray whale
2,000 Common Dolphins
Morning: Soon after leaving the bay we encountered a huge pod of Common Dolphins that completely surrounded the boat and could be seen for a long way in front and back of the boat. Captain Dave's estimate was about 2,000 Common Dolphin. A single Gray Whale was spotted and we followed it for over an hour. She exhibited typical Gray Whale behavior, three blows and a fluke.
12/30/22 5 gray whales: 4 adults, 1 juvenile
2 bottlenose dolphins
3 gray whales
80 short-beaked common dolphins
Morning: No whitecaps or waves on the open ocean made for excellent whale-watching conditions. We followed a pod of three gray whales for more than an hour and were treated to fantastic views with the whales maintaining an almost continual distance of 100-200 yards of the beam. We could frequently hear the whales exhaling in the quiet air. Spotted two bottlenose dolphins as we passed Ballast Point on our return who rode the bow wake for a while.

Afternoon: We spotted the first gray whale, which was a subadult traveling south. We had several nice, close looks including fluking before it dove. We then went to see a second subadult that was traveling northwest and more elusive. The third gray whale was a very large adult that was very slowly swimming south. This whale surfaced several times right by the boat thrilling all guests onboard with great looks. This whale also fluked before diving. We finished off our trip with a nursery pod of common dolphins, including a few bowriding. As we headed into the bay, we passed by several navigation buoys with lounging California sea lions and a harbor seal popped its head above the water.

12/29/22 3 Gray Whales
3 Humpback Whales
300 Common Dolphins
Several pods of common dolphins - about 150 total Morning: Departing on an overcast morning with light wind chop and a 4-6 foot west swell we were hopeful we’d sight some whales. Once clear of San Diego harbor, Captain Eric and his crew set a course that took us approximately 2 miles off Sunset Cliffs where we encountered three southbound Gray Whales. After tracking the whales south for about a mile, we encountered a large pod of Common Dolphins crossing our course. Soon we came upon Brown Pelicans diving into the water near another pod of Common Dolphins. In their midst, two Humpback Whales were feeding on a bait ball. Leaving these two whales, we saw another Humpback who saluted us with a pectoral slap on our way back to the harbor.

Afternoon: The sun peeked out a few times over the course of the otherwise cloudy afternoon. Although no whales were spotted, on the return trip from the 9-mile bank, everyone was excited to see a couple of pods of common dolphins that converged on the boat, swimming with us for a while, soaring over and through the water.
12/28/22 50 common dolphins Morning: A beautiful San Diego skyline after the overnight rain. Slowed to interact with a pod of common dolphins.
12/26/22 2 Gray Whales
Large pod of Common Dolphins
Morning: 2 southbound gray whales encountered soon after leaving San Diego Bay. The whales breached several times and fluked repeatedly. We were with them for most of the morning except for a break to intercept a very large northbound pod of common dolphins.
12/25/22 2 humpback whales
150 common dophins
40 Pacific white sided
Morning: Interacted with a playful pod of common dolphins. Our search continued until we came across 2 humpback whales, feeding and treating us to many flukes. Traveling as well was a pod of Pacific white sided dolphins and not to be left out quite a few sea lions masquerading as dolphins.
12/23/22 1 Gray Whale
600 Common Dolphins
California Sea Lions Morning: Turning northwest we found one juvenile gray whale just beyond the kelp beds south of Ocean Beach. The gray whale was very slowly moving south and spouting at approximately 2.5 minute intervals. A small runabout boat, which was constantly in front of the whale, appeared to cause the whale to go into the kelp beds. We departed the kelp beds and sailed 3 miles offshore to intercept pods of common dolphins with about 600 dolphins converging on a large bait ball to feed. We broke off from the dolphins and just before returning to the Harbor’s main channel we re-encountered the gray whale seen earlier. The whale was traveling south with a more typical 30-40 second surface interval. While we didn’t see the gray whale’s fluke, we did see a number of heart-shaped blows before a rapid return to port.

Afternoon: Sunny and hazy conditions in the bay turned into heavy fog as soon as we entered the open ocean. In the bay, we spotted a few California sea lions lounging around on the navigation buoys. The dense fog made it difficult to spot any whales or dolphins.
12/22/22 4 Gray Whales
40 Common Dolphins
10 Pacific Whiteside Dolphins
One Mola Mola
1 Gray Whale
100 Pacific Whiteside Dolphins
Morning: The morning cruise featured beautiful skies and calm seas - Captain Eric took us out towards the nine-mile bank to look for some of the humpback whales that have been spotted in the area. While cruising around the bank we encountered a group of approximately 40 common dolphins and another pod of about 10 active pacific whiteside dolphins playing and darting around the bow of the boat. The crew heard from other boats in the area about a group of Gray Whales heading south so we headed back closer to shore and were treated to a group of four adult Gray Whales heading south. The group was fairly close to shore and we cruised with them for quite a while enjoying many great up close blows and flukes before saying adios as the group entered Mexico.

Afternoon: After seeing the group of Gray Whales heading south in the morning, Captain Eric ventured closer to shore for the afternoon cruise and scanned up and down the waters of Pacific Beach and Mission Bay looking for another group spotted earlier in the day. Skies were sunny and dotted with a few wispy high clouds and guests were treated to a rare “Cloud Bow” rainbow formation that reflected in the water and a large pod of approximately 100 Pacific Whiteside Dolphins. We followed the Cloud Bow to a Gray Whale! We spotted a very large adult (possibly pregnant female) heading south in a fairly rapid pace and cruised along as the whale gave us many close up blows and great views of its large back, the fluke print pattern and several tail flukes. When it was time to head back the whale said goodbye with a final nice fluke to end the cruise!
12/21/22 2 Humpbacks
5 Pacific White Sided Dolphins
800 Common dolphins
3 possible gray whales (in the distance on way back in)
Morning: We saw a few Pacific White Sided Dolphins and 50 or so Common Dolphins on the way out. Once further offshore, we spotted a Humpback who was probably feeding, as he was taking frequent breaths, but fluking most breaths. He u-turned once to go back through a feeding spot (lots of birds and dolphins hanging around.) On the way back in, we saw blows from at least 3 probable gray whales (bushy blows.) Finally, a pod of around 800 Common Dolphins came from all sides, bow riding and playing on all sides of the boat.
12/20/22 2 Humpback Whales
Many Common Dolphins
1 Adult Grey Whale Morning : We made for a southerly direction initially but when Captain Rick got word of a very large pod of common dolphins from the operators of a pair of Zodiacs, he changed course due west. Within 20 minutes we were in the midst of a very high-energy pod. We enjoyed their display of seemingly effortless movements for at least 20 minutes on both sides of the vessel. Then it was reported that whales were seen to the north of our position. When we reached the area where these sightings had been made, we saw the blows of at least three whales spread out over the water. One was just too far away but we were fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of one humpback whale and then to see a series of spouts that turned out to belong to a juvenile humpback whale. It was very exciting to see this youngster make its surface dives then give us a wave off of its fluke after each of several dives. It turned out that the whale that was too far out was a blue whale so they are still in the area, way cool.

Afternoon: We rode along with an adult grey whale, observing him at many different angles. It was a great experience! Afterwards we were able to talk with the group about whale facts, including showing how large the whale would be if he was sitting on the ship with us.
12/10/22 2 Humpback Whales
3 Mola Molas
30 common Dolphins
Today's first whale watching cruise of the winter season was simply spectacular! The sun was shining, the seas were glassy calm, the swell was a miniscule two feet and we saw WHALES. Captain Dave took us out to the nine-mile bank where we hooked up with two juvenile humpback whales. They came close enough to the Adventure Hornblower, for us to hear their blows, and after several passes and soundings, one whale bid us adieu with its flukes. We also got good looks at the ocean sunfish, aka mola mola and a small pod of common dolphin.

2022 Summer Whale Watching Report

Date Morning Cruise Notes
9/5/22 4 Blue whales
2 Mola Mola
Many Common Dolphins
Once out of the harbor, a few people spotted two mola molas sunning. We eventually cruised out about 11 miles off Point Loma. In the area that we settled in we were able to see the blows and back of a blue whale that was a considerable distance off. There were two others that were a bit closer but still a bit far to appreciate fully. We were able to track one that was very regular with its surface activity and diving. This turned out to be a sub-adult blue whale that we were able to observe for 7-8 dives. Its shape and massive size were apparent when it swam on and near the surface, a truly beautiful sight. It would signal its final dive with a salute of its fluke almost every time it would dive, delighting everyone. When we had to turn back to the pier, we were greeted by pods of common dolphins that raced towards the Adventure Hornblower and either rode the bow wake or surfed in the waves created by the ship. It was an exceptional day to end the summer whale watching season.
9/3/22 4 Adults/1 Juvenile Bottlenose Dolphins
1 Large Adult Blue Whale
1 Large Fin Whale
Several Mola Mola's
We encountered a small pod of offshore bottlenose dolphins with 4 adults and 1 small juvenile. The dolphins joined in by riding our pressure wave as we headed west. We continued out towards the 9-mile bank and observed a large adult blue whale feeding and possibly a second blue whale in the deeper waters. After watching the blue whale feed for a bit, we were lucky enough to see another large whale feeding nearby. Low and behold, this whale had the larger dorsal fin and darker coloration. It was a large adult fin whale feeding in the same general area of the blue whale. Everyone was able to see the difference between the blue whale’s coloration and distinctive small dorsal fin and the dark coloration and larger dorsal fin of the fin whale. What a success. Some guests also got a bonus by seeing a couple of Mola Molas during the trip. Once we returned to the bay, we visited the bait docks and got some close looks and sounds of the California sea lions and also a single harbor seal that was frolicking near the bait docks. There were also birds galore both at sea and also in the bay. We even had an exhausted stray passerine that hopped aboard the boat for a ride to shore.
9/2/22 110 common Dolphins
1 Adult Blue Whale
8 Bottlenose Dolphins
We saw several California sea lions in the bay on the way out in and by the channel markers. Once we headed west, we encountered a small pod of about 30 common dolphin with mixed ages that were feeding. Guests got good looks at these dolphins frolicking alongside the boat. As we continued west, we came across a larger pod of common dolphin that was feeding. This was a large group of about 80 mixed ages. We continued further west and got some good views of an adult blue whale that was feeding. It appeared many times so guests had some great opportunities to see the back and blue coloration of the skin of the blue whale. When we returned to the bay, we made a visit by the bait docks and were welcomed by a small pod of about 8 bottlenose dolphins (likely nearshore bottlenose dolphins) swimming right at the boat.
7/31/22 20 common bottlenose dolphins
1 northern elephant seal
We were treated to a pod of about 20 common bottlenose dolphins playing and feeding while in close proximity to a small fishing boat. A number of seabirds were also in the area adding to the activity. On our way back into the harbor, we sighted a northern elephant seal who was bobbing its head in and out of the water to watch us as we passed by. And of course we saw the usual California sea lions loafing on the buoys as we left and entered the harbor on our way back to the dock.
7/29/22 1 Minke Whale
1 Mola Mola
4 Common Dolphins
15 Least Terns
6 Tuna
4 Flying Fish
The Adventure headed out of San Diego Bay in search of marine life in calm seas. Along the way to the 9 Mile Bank area we saw 4 Flying Fish alongside the vessel which surprised guests on board. Once we entered into the 9 Mile Bank area we came across a small bait ball that had 15 Least Terns demonstrating their hunting skills by catching and eating the sardines and anchovies in the water. Captain Erik head further west in search of whales and to our delight we were very fortunate to observe a Minke that was foraging for food in the waters close to the Adventure. As our time came to leave the area and we found that 4 Short-beaked Common Dolphins came to check out the vessel which delighted the guests on board especially the families with children. As we were observing the dolphins taking the bow of the vessel, 6 Tuna came to the surface and showed us their dorsal fins. The Adventure continue its return and just about 2 miles off of Point Loma we saw 1 Mola Mola.
7/25/22 Nursery pod of 150 Short-beaked Common Dolphins The Adventure went out to the 15 Mile Bank area in hopes of seeing whales. Unfortunately the whales were elusive. We did locate a nursery pod of 150 Short-beaked Common Dolphins that included many newly born calves within the pod. There were quite a number of 1-3 day old newborns within the pod.
7/23/22 300 Common Dolphins
30 Offshore Bottlenose Dolphin
We spotted the first pod of about 200 Common Dolphin about 1.5 miles away. We headed west to about 15 miles out and spotted another pod of 100 or so Common Dolphins. This group seemed to be a nursery pod since many babies were spotted. On the way in we saw a pod of around 30 offshore Bottlenose dolphin.
7/22/22 30 Offshore Bottlenose Dolphin
200 Common Dolphin
1 Mola Mola
We saw a large pod of Common Dolphin soon after leaving San Diego Bay. We went out to the 9 mile bank and saw a Mola Mola. It did not stay on the surface of the water for long but a few people got to see it as the boat went past it. The 30 Offshore Bottlenose Dolphin were observed on our way back into the bay. The dolphin stayed close to the boat for a while. They were displaying a lot of tail slapping and breaching.
7/18/22 Nursery Pod of Common Dolphins
2 Mola Mola's
We did not see any whales, however an aircraft carrier passed by us on our way out of the bay and we were treated to a Nursery Pod of Common dolphins and two Mola-Molas.
7/17/22 1 Humpback Whale
500 Common Dolphins
12 Bottlenose Dolphins
1 Mola Mola
Before getting out into the ocean, we sighted a pod of 12 Bottlenose Dolphins in the bay - some adults, some babies. In spite of gray skies and overcast fogginess, Captain Dave was able to spot a spout on the horizon. "Thar she blows!" As the boat neared the whale, questions arose - fin whale or blue whale? The consensus was fin until someone pointed out the shape, size, and location of the dorsal fin. Comparing to reference cards, the decision was - humpback whale! The boat stayed with the whale for about an hour until it headed toward Mexico. Time to turn around and search for other marine life. Dolphins! Several pods of Common Dolphins swam next to the boat, jumping, playing in the bow wake, having lots of fun. Everyone got a closeup view of the adults and babies!
7/16/22 1000 Common dolphin
50 Offshore Bottlenosed dolphin
13 Mola Mola
We came upon large numbers of Common dolphin that we observed bow riding and swimming along side the Adventure Hornblower and in the distance. There were a number of baby dolphin swimming close to their moms. Some Offshore Bottlenose dolphin also joined us for awhile including two small babies. We saw 5 Black skimmers, an unusual bird that we had to look up in the bird book to identify. We also passed Mola Mola at various spots on the way out and back, some very close to the boat so we got a really good look at them.
7/15/22 2 In Shore Bottlenose Dolphin
2 Mola Mola
500 Common Dolphin
1 Shark-species undetermined
It was a foggy, gray morning on the ocean with calm seas. The sun came out as we returned to San Diego Bay later in the day. We observed 2 Bottlenose dolphins in the bay by North Island on our way to the ocean. Once offshore, we saw multiple pods of Common Dolphin that swam near the boat and guests were able to see them up close. We saw 2 Mola Mola. One Mola Mola stayed on the surface of the water long enough for the boat to circle it and for all the guests to get a good view. A few people saw a shark surface two times near the boat. We were unable to determine the exact species of shark.
7/11/22 2 pods (25 in each pod) of Common Dolphins
1 pod (25) of Bottlenose Dolphins
2 Mola Mola
1 cow/calf Blue Whale
1 Mako Shark
As we entered the famous Nine Mile bank we saw a gigantic blow about 2 miles in the distance. We continued toward the blow and were so excited when we saw a small blow alongside. It was so exciting to see a cow / calf Blue Whale pair slowly cruising by us. After a few moments they dove down for about 10 minutes and re-emerged behind us. Again, they swam close by and dove down. We hoped we would get another look so we patiently waited for 10 minutes. We were so delighted when they emerged on our Port side. quite close to us, again they swam near us then we saw the fabulous fluke and down they went. Everyone was so delighted. With that the Captain said we needed to head back and within minutes the Captain said "Shark on Port side!" A Mako shark with it's fin showing swam by..
Then as we slowly made our way back to the Bay another small Mola Mola swam by.
7/10/22 1000 Common Dolphin
20 Risso Dolphin
10 Bottlenose Dolphin
We quickly encountered a large nursery pod of common dolphins and guests loved watching them ride the bow. We also got a great sighting of a large mola mola right alongside the boat.
Once at the nine mile bank, we encountered a pod of 20 Risso's Dolphin who stayed with the boat and we were able to observe them doing some tail slapping and synchronized swimming before we moved on to see a large pod of very acrobatic common dolphins.
On the way back, we found another pod of common dolphins as well as a pod of around 10 offshore bottlenose dolphins who played in our bow for quite some time.
7/9/22 1000 Common Dolphin
60 Offshore Bottlenose Dolphin
We journeyed out to the nine mile bank and on the way, we encountered a large nursery pod of Short-Beaked Common Dolphins.
Once at the nine mile bank, we found a decent size nursery pod of offshore bottlenose dolphins and observed them playing in our wake for a bit before turning around and heading back to shore.
On the way back, we encountered two smaller pods of common dolphins and guests enjoyed watching them playing around the boat.
7/8/22 1 Blue whale
50 Common Dolphins
5 Mola Mola
Overcast clouds gave way to patchy blue skies and the sight of a blue whale! Possibly a juvenile. Captain Dave stayed near the whale for almost an hour so we all could see the spouts, listen to the blows, and watch the whale dive and fluke! Throughout the morning were additional encounters with dolphins, mola mola, and a large swarm of pelicans, gulls, terns, dolphins, and sea lions gathering around a bait ball.
7/4/22 2 Humpback Whales - adult and juvenile
Several pods of Bottlenose Dolphins
Out on the ocean with partly cloudy skies and the chance to see two humpback whales, an adult and a juvenile. The sea was slightly choppy but that didn't stop the children who went to the sides of the boat to meet several pods of bottlenose dolphins, ducking and diving between the waves, as they came to greet them.
7/3/22 20 Common dolphins Bottlenose dolphins
One Mola mola
Wind was calm and the marine layer was present for most the day. Light wind was present on the way out and sea surface was calm. Wind increased during the day and some chop was present on the surface. There were 3+ foot waves throughout the day which made for an exciting trip out but was much calmer on the return.
7/2/22 2 Brydes Whales
2 Blue Whales, maybe 3 (1 juvenile, 1 adult)
1 Mola Mola
20 Bottlenose
300 Common Dolphin
1 jelly fish
Clusters of salps
1 distance breach (series of breach, 1 large followed by two smaller)
What an incredible day on the water. Whales approached the boat and swam under the bow with great opportunities to see the ridges of the Brydes whales and mottled texture of Blue whales. We could audibly hear the blows and smell them! There appeared to be great food sources with large pods of dolphins and terns feeding. Sunning mola Mola on the way back in. We also had a trickster sea lion who pretended to be a shark fin! A few passengers saw a car distance breach on the way in. Excellent day with lots of activity.
6/26/22 1 Blue Whale
2 Mola Mola
Many Common Dolphins
It was a sunny morning with clear seas and low swells for passengers and crew as we headed out to view marine life. Many Common dolphins swam toward the Adventure Hornblower to enjoy the wake of the vessel. Continuing out to approximately 10 miles out we were able to observe an adult blue whale that fluked twice and allowed passengers to see this amazing animal. With sun through the clear water the whale skin looks like a turquoise color. We also had two sightings of ocean sunfish (aka Mola mola), and the view to the second one was especially interesting as we were able to see the fin and shape of this very interesting fish, up close. Great day on the water
6/25/22 2 Blue Whales
30 Common Dolphins
We headed out of the harbor seeing sea lions sunning themselves and a few dolphins fishing with some pelicans. Then we went straight out to the nine mile bank where we spotted a spout out in the distance. Captain Dave got us out close to the whales. We had excellent views of two blue whales as they took several breaths at the surface and then dove deep for 12 to 15 minutes. We could clearly see the blow holes and hear them exhale. We were treated to two beautiful fluke views as the whales dove deep. We stayed in the area for three rounds of whales on the surface and then deep dives.

When we started to go back towards San Diego Harbor, we saw a pod of 30 or so common dolphins who swam towards us, and along the boat for a while before they left us to stay out far from shore.water
6/24/22 14 blue whales (2 cow calf pairs)
60 short beak common dolphins
It was a beautiful sunny day on the water. We immediately headed for the 9 mile bank. While en route we encountered a small pod of common dolphins hunting a bait ball. Just past the bank, we began seeing blue whale blows all around us.  We originally observed one cow/calf pair and  were able to see a fluke from the  mother. While observing this pair, we saw other blows in the distance so we broke off the encounter with the first pair and went on to observe the three other groups in the area ranging in size from two to four individuals. We were able to see one more cow/calf pair and three examples of fluking before turning and heading back to shore. Overall a fantastic start to the summer season!

2021-2022 Winter Whale Watching Report

Date Morning Cruise Afternoon Cruise Notes
4/17/22 1 Fin Whale
5 Pacific White-sided
10 Common
5 Mola Mola
200 California Brown Pelican
4 Fin Whales
2 Bottlenose
50 Common
We cruised out to 9-Mile Bank where we observed a magnificent Fin whale zig-zagging back and forth for about half an hour! Common dolphin joined us and Captain Dave circled around so they could play in the bow wave. There were a lot of pelican skimming over the waves including a very close pass by a V-formation of at least 50 birds. 5 Mola Mola were spotted, one of at least 4 feet in diameter. A glorious way to spend a holiday Sunday and the last day of the Winter whale watching season.
What a wonderful way to end the Winter Whale Watching season - sunny, clear skies! On the way to the 9 mile bank, we encountered dolphin jumping in the boat's spray. The best, however, was to encounter a mom and baby fin whale and compare the baby's small-ish blow alongside the mom's huge spray! Two other fins came nearby and hung out near the boat. Then there was a Mola Mola (sunfish) next to and going under the boat. Another super day on the water. Looking forward to the Summer Whale Watching season!
3/31/22 1 Gray Whale We did not spot any whales or dolphins this morning, but that didn’t stop people from enjoying their time out on the water or even enjoying the rocking of the boat. A group of 50 high school students from Utah were in attendance and made the best out of the day where they could. It was lovely to see them all enjoy themselves and just spending time out at sea.
For many, this was their first whale watching excursion. They were delighted to encounter a juvenile gray whale a few miles off Point Loma. The whale seemed in no hurry, came up to breathe at regular, 5-minute intervals , sometimes fluking and meandering north. Another sight was the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier coming into port.
3/30/22 1 Blue Whale
75 Common
2 Fin Whales
350 Common
We spotted a blue whale about a mile off of Point Loma. This was our first blue whale sighting of the season, and we were even able to watch the whale fluke! We also spotted about 75 Common Dolphins.
Today was an amazing, sunny day on the ocean. We spotted two Fin Whales that were milling about in the same area and were able to spend an hour or so watching them swim around and under the boat. We also saw around 300 common (long-beaked) dolphins on the trip out and 50 more on the way back in to the bay.
3/20/22 1 Gray whale
1 Bottlenose dolphin
Even with semi-rough waters today, we were rewarded with a gray whale sighting. One southbound juvenile that spouted and fluked a few times. We also had a Bottlenose dolphin porpoising alongside the boat for the passengers to enjoy!
3/19/22 1 Gray whale
10 Bottlenose
500 Common
It was a great morning on the water! On way out of the bay, we saw ~10 Bottlenose dolphins and sea lions. Early in the trip, we got some great views of one adult gray whale. We also spotted 500 feeding Common dolphins and passengers got to see 2 Mola Molas (‘sun fish’).
3/14/22 3 Gray whales
50 Common
5 Bottlenose
3/13/22 3 Gray whales
8 Bottlenose dolphins
No sightings to report… Terrible weather conditions The morning was nice! We saw 3 gray whales at 9 mile bank.  The whales exhibited possible courtship behaviors, swimming close to each other on their sides and rolling exposing their bellies at the surface.The Bottlenose dolphins were observed at 9 mile bank and as we entered the Bay. One of the 3 Mola Molas observed was large, approximately 5-6 feet across.
3/12/22 4 Gray whales
30 Common
20 Bottlenose
9 Gray whales
12 Common dolphins
3/11/22 5 Gray whales
2000 Common
25 Pacific White-sided
5 Gray whales
3 Common dolphins
We went out 11 miles and found a pod of 5 adult gray whales that were displaying breeding behaviors; including zig-zagging and rolling.There were two pods of dolphins: a small one of about 25 Pacific White-sided dolphins and a very large Common dolphin pod stretching from horizon to horizon as far as the eye could see.
3/10/22 3 Gray whales
300 Common
3 Bottlenose
3/9/22 Dolphins:
50 Common
20 Pacific White-sided
3/8/22 1 Fin whale
1 Bryde's whale
1200 Short-beaked common dolphins
5 Gray whales
2 Pacific White-sided
6 Bottlenose
Morning Cruise
We had a spectacular morning out on the water! The seas were calm with no wind.Our first encounter was with a "small" pod of common dolphins that surrounded the ship and rode the ship's bow, pressure wave. Then heading out to the nine-mile bank we encountered a large pod of the same Common dolphins (presumably short-beaked), numbering approximately 1,000! The water was churning with dolphins and our guests were delighted.

Afternoon Cruise
Out near the bank we finally hooked up with a whale that happened to surface right alongside the ship. The naturalist’s identified this as a rare sighting of a Bryde's whale.  Our second sighting was a much larger Fin whale.  We had a brief look at the Fin whale before we had to return to the Bay.Truly a wonderful experience.
3/3/22 3 Gray whales 4 Gray whales

50 Common
6 Bottlenose
Morning Cruise
We had a lovely, albeit windy morning. We briefly saw one gray whale as we exited the bay. We then headed north just outside the kelp beds and came across two elusive adult Gray whales. They would take 3 to 4 breaths and then make 7-10 minute sounding dives. We did get to see some beautiful flukes as they dove down.

Afternoon Cruise
We journeyed out to the 9 Mile Bank area to search for northbound Gray whales. Captain Rick found a pair of whales traveling together and then two other adults joined the group for a total of four. The whales stayed very close to the boat and were hanging out just under the surface; giving us a great view and made for easy spotting.

The whales eventually began heading northbound slowly but gave us lots of wonderful blows, some flukes and a great look at their barnacles as they came up for air. Passengers also got a treat - seeing 2 Mola Molas!
2/27/22 2 Gray whales
1 Minke whale
250 Common dolphins
Captain Rick and Captain Roy took the vessel out looking for whales under clear skies and calm seas. Just south of Point Loma National Monument, the captains found our 1st whale: a young gray whale lazing about and not moving in either direction. This small whale has become a regular at the Bay entrance, being seen daily the last couple of weeks.

After another whale’s blow was seen off in the distance to the south, the captain began the search for more whales and moved south-west towards the Nine Mile Bank. Here we saw over 250 Common Dolphins - that played in the boat’s wake and jumped to the guest's delight. A quick sighting of a Minke whale was another highlight of the cruise! As we returned to the Bay, we stopped at the bait dock to view the Sea Lions.
2/27/22 5 Gray whales
2 Pacific White-sided
1 Common
We saw 5 grays today, all super close to the boat. We could clearly see the blowholes and had some amazing views of the whales ‘fluking’. One adult snorkeled alongside us for more than 25 minutes, and was so close to the surface that we could easily track him/her under the water. We also saw a calf heading north with its mom, along with an ‘escort’ whale. On the way back to harbor, a few dolphins (Common and Pacific White-sided) surfed in the ship’s wake. It was a gorgeous, sunny day.
2/26/22 6 Gray whales
150 common dolphins
5 Gray whales

10 Pacific White-sided
5 Bottlenose
Morning Cruise
The water was nice and calm. We encountered a single juvenile gray whale right away. We then came upon a group of 4 Gray whales. On the way back we found a pod of about 150 Common dolphins and then ended with the young gray whale that’s been staying in the area near the kelp beds on the way back to the harbor.

Afternoon Cruise
It was a little chillier and windier on the afternoon trip but the weather was still very nice and the water relatively calm. We began the trip by watching the juvenile Gray whale at the kelp beds. We then encountered a single whale and followed it for a bit. After searching for a bit, we found a pair of gray whales. Another gray whale was nearby and we observed it as well before turning back to the harbor. On the way back we encountered a small pod of Pacific White-sided dolphins and we lucked out on seeing a few Bottlenose dolphins inside the Bay.
2/25/22 1800 Common dolphins It was a beautiful but chilly morning on the water. We headed straight for the nine mile bank and encountered a pod of about 300 common dolphins on the way there. Once at the nine mile bank we cruised around searching for whales and encountered a large pod of Common dolphins which we stayed with for awhile because it was fun and passengers were delighted!
2/24/22 8 Gray whales
300 Common dolphins
Captain Eric headed out to the 9 mile bank where we spotted 3 Gray whales, and then found 5 more whales; who seemed to join together to form a traveling group of 8. We also came upon a mega pod of about 300 Common dolphins on a feeding frenzy. It was a beautiful sunny day on the water with clear visibility.
2/21/22 2 Humpback Whales
2 Gray Whales
10 Bottlenose
300 Long-beaked Common
Even with some storm swells beginning and cool windy conditions, the whale watching was incredible this afternoon. Our first sighting was a pod of bottlenose dolphins right before we left the bay. Some of the dolphins briefly rode the bow of the boat. We even spotted a mother-calf pair!

After heading west to 9-mile Bank, we encountered a large group of long-beaked common dolphins, which seemed to rush to the boat from all directions to bow ride. Then, as we were trying to get a closer look at a gray whale, we were pleasantly surprised to suddenly see flipper slapping at the surface from a pair of Humpback Whales close by! Wow! The lighting conditions were magical—perfectly highlighting the whales and their pectoral flippers. The humpback whales continued to alternate flipper slapping with surfacing and then fluking. At one point both whales were flipper slapping at the same time. These were the first humpback whales of the season for us.

As we turned around to head back, we enjoyed one last look at the humpbacks and a gray whale surfaced close by the pair. What spectacular day!
2/21/22 6 Gray Whales Although the day began with clouds, wind and a few scattered showers, the gray whale viewing was fantastic this morning! Once we left San Diego Bay, we spotted a subadult gray whale milling around near the kelp beds off Point Loma. We watched this whale as it surfaced a few times, then headed west to search for more. Soon Captain Dave spotted gray whale blows in the distance! What originally seemed like two whales, turned into a group of five gray whale adults traveling north. We were lucky enough to see flukes a few times. One whale even breached, a behavior we don’t see very often. The whales seemed to be a courtship group with chasing behavior, surfacing together and even some rolling on their sides. With the lighting, the turquoise coloration of the whales underwater stood out and we were able to watch this group for nearly an hour with many nice, close views.
2/20/22 6 Gray whales
50 Common
50 Pacific White-sided
4 Gray whales
12 Pacific White-sided
40 Common
Morning Cruise
The conditions were calm and temperate. The marine layer burned off by 10:00, providing sunny & warm conditions. There were guests from across the United States, including Arizona, Texas, Ohio, and New York. We also had international visitors from Italy and the UK.

We observed 6 northbound gray whales, and a mixed pod of about 100 Common and Pacific White-sided dolphins. There were also multiple sightings of bait fish and a jelly fish. Two of the whales were a mother & baby traveling along the kelp line. The highlight of the trip was a delightful ~30 minutes observing 2 gray whales snorkeling just below the surface.

Afternoon Cruise
Today was a beautiful day to be on the water looking for whales and dolphins! Captain Rick ‘delivered’ 4 Gray whales. Passengers got great views. Later, we had~12 Pacific White-sided dolphins and ~ 40 Common dolphins.
2/19/22 6 Gray whales
2 Common dolphins
We were treated to a beautiful sunny morning with excellent visibility and fairly calm seas. Our trip got off to a great start as we were alerted to the presence of a north-bound juvenile gray whale shortly after we cleared the entrance to San Diego Bay. This whale spent considerable time swimming around the immediate area, making close approaches to several boats, including ours! At one point, the whale appeared to be playing with a piece of kelp, pushing it around as it swam.

After spending some quality time with the playful juvenile, we headed south and soon spotted several adult south-bound grays. In all we observed five adults as we motored all the way to the Mexican border. One of the adults treated us to the rare sight of a breach as these animals continued to make their way south to their wintering grounds in Baja California. All in all, it was a thrilling morning on the ocean.
2/18/22 6 Gray Whales

10 Pacific White-sided
100 Common
7 Gray Whales
7 Pacific White-sided
7 Common
7 Bottlenose
Morning Cruise
Another amazing day. Calm water, sunny...
As we came out of the Bay, the Captain found 3 Gray whales traveling southbound. These whales showed off their beautiful flukes several times and then the ship changed direction to search for other wildlife. Another 3 whales were sighted; including a mom/calf pair!

10 Pacific White-sided dolphins graced us with their joyful presence. There was a school group of ~50 students; their enthusiasm seeing the dolphins made the atmosphere on board even more amazing. Later we encountered another great performance from about 100 Common dolphins.

Afternoon Cruise
At was a lovely afternoon for whale-watching, a bit windy at first but then the wind abated and it felt like a summer day. Captain Rick kept us in the vicinity of gray whales for most of the cruise. We spotted and traveled with 7 gray whales in all, one juvenile and six adults. We’re starting to see whales on their northbound migration!

Several encounters were close enough to see the mottled gray coloring due to barnacles on their skin. We also enjoyed Pacific white-sided dolphins riding our bow and California sea lions swimming under the ship. A flock of shearwaters were seen, as well as Double-crested cormorants, Brown pelicans and Western gulls. Common dolphins rode our bow for quite some time as we returned to San Diego Bay. It was a great ending to a magical day on the vessel aptly named Adventure.
2/17/22 2 Gray Whales
25 Pacific White-sided
25 Common
2 Off-shore Bottlenose
It was a beautiful day on the water today as we cruised with guests from throughout the USA, including an Arizona couple on their honeymoon who had never been whale watching. We encountered two Off-shore Bottlenose dolphins and a total of approximately 25 Pacific White-sided dolphins and about 25 Common dolphins. We were heading back towards Point Loma when we spotted 2 Gray whales. The guests were thrilled to see and hear the blows, as well as multiple tail flukes. We ended the cruise with a visit to the bait dock to view sea lions.
2/14/22 4 Gray whales
250 Common dolphins
We had beautiful skies and calm seas today for our morning cruise.
Once we left the harbor, the captain found a group of 3 southbound Gray whales; spending about 30 minutes as we watched them doing synchronized flukes
every 3-4 minutes.
Another gray whale was seen during the cruise; along with a pod of ~ 300 Common dolphins.
Guests were treated with a special sighting…. The USS Carl Vinson (carrying US Naval Service Men & Women) arriving back to its’ San Diego home port after a 8 month deployment. An even extra special treat was a fly-over by the Navy’s Blue Angels flight squadron!
2/13/22 5 Gray whales
150 Common dolphins
A beautiful, summer like day on the Pacific Ocean. Captain Chad found some Gray whales early on that provided the guests with great sightings of flukes & heart shaped blows. There were 3 Southbound Gray whales traveling together. Later on, we came upon 2 more gray whales. After a few diving sequences, it was time to head back to port. As we were approaching San Diego Bay, we were blessed with a sighting of ~ 150 Common dolphins.
2/12/22 1 Minke whale
6 Bottlenose dolphins
It was a warm and sunny day on the water. We spent most of the morning cruising around searching for whales. We headed north about halfway through and happened upon a single Minke whale that was exhibiting pretty consistent diving but was zig-zagging around in the water around the boat. We watched few dive cycles and then headed back to the Bay. On the way into the bay, we saw two small pods of Inshore Bottlenose dolphins, one at the entrance to the bay and one inside. There were a few military ships on the water (including one destroyer and one Nimitz class carrier).
2/11/22 2 Gray Whales
Dolphins: 2 Bottlenose
100 Commons
The ocean was extremely calm and the skies were clear. We saw a couple of bottlenose dolphins soon after leaving the San Diego Bay. We headed north and found 2 adult gray whales. We stayed with them on their southbound route for quite awhile, seeing lots of spouts and flukes. We broke off from the whales to see the Common dolphins. Many dolphins were swimming close to the boat and playing in the bow wake. We caught up with the same pair of gray whales for another look before they entered Mexican waters. We saw more Common dolphins on our way back into the bay. It was a fantastic day on the ocean!
2/10/22 2 Gray Whales
100+ Common Dolphins
It was a gorgeous, sunny and calm day for this morning’s cruise. We were lucky to encounter a large pod of about 100+ Common dolphins that interacted with the boat for about 15-20 minutes. The pod was full of young/juvenile dolphins and the guests were treated to many leaps out of the water and (boat) bow riding, even by the very littlest members of the pod!

The whales were a little shy today, but we did encounter one adult gray whale that gave us some blows out at sea and then, as we entered the bay, a juvenile gray whale was sighted. It went right under the boat and several guests got a good look at it.
2/06/22 3 Gray whales
15-20 Pacific White-Sided
400 Common
1 Bottlenose
It was a beautiful calm day on the water with great visibility that went on for miles.
We cruised north to see a pair of southbound Gray whales that were diving a bit irregularly but we observed some fluking from them. We then traveled a bit further north where we encountered a pod of ~350 common dolphins before encountering another whale shortly before turning back to the harbor. While on the way back, we passed and briefly observed a small pod of Pacific White-sided dolphins. One non-mammal highlight was seeing a brown footed booby (bird) flying near the ship. Once inside the bay, we spotted one of the Navy’s Bottlenose dolphins.
2/05/22 2 Gray whales
200 Common
2 Bottlenose
6 Gray whales The morning cruise was met with perfectly sunny skies and calm waters. As we exited the harbor we were greeted by a pod of Common dolphins and birds trying to get their share of the fish below the surface. For the remainder of the cruise we were able to encounter 2 Gray whales along with a couple of whales out in the distance. The afternoon cruise continued on with a beautiful sunny San Diego day. Many passengers joined the cruise as a part of their traveling plans to San Diego and were lucky enough to witness 6 Gray whales on their southbound migration. These whales displayed lots of synchronized behavior and fluking, which allowed passengers to see more of these stunning giants.
1/30/22 3 Gray Whales
1 of them a Juvenile
Beautiful day with calm water. The sky was clear and the Coronado Islands were completely visible. We had about 50 passengers. We saw a total of three Gray Whales; one of them was a juvenile, and the other pair traveled together. We observed the Gray Whales snorkeling and fluking several times. We also saw sea lions, brown pelicans, egrets and cormorants chilling on the dock. Grateful for another sunny day at sea.
1/29/22 Wonderful day out on the ocean: little wind, calm seas, and great visibility under a cloud-dappled sky.
Capt. Rick took the vessel north - as far as Mission Beach - to join a small group of boats following 3 whales. The south-bound whale group included two adults and one juvenile. The shy juvenile stayed near the surface most of the time, and the boat was able to idle very close for great viewing as the adults fluked and showed their tails. After more than 30 minutes, the captain took the boat South, towards Point Loma, and found another adult+juvenile whale group with an independent whale tagging along but changing direction frequently. Some dolphins were seen in the distance and many sea lions were found lounging on the bait dock. Overall, a great day for encountering marine mammals!
1/28/22 We found a cow/calf pair approximately six miles from the light house at Point Loma and one mile from shore. The calf was very wrinkly and stayed on mom’s back most of the time. We also saw a southbound juvenile whale near Coronado Bay, and three pods with an approximate total of 800 common dolphin three miles from shore.

At the beginning of our trip we received word there was possibly a juvenile in the San Diego Bay near the submarine station. We did not see it until we returned to the bay. It was rolling, spyhopping, and reverse spyhopping near Ballast Point while a small fishing boat with two fisherman watched.
1/27/22 10 White Sided Dolphin
5 Gray Whales
1 Juvenile Gray Whales
We started out trip heading south then turned north and encountered a group of three whales, which we stayed with for a while then followed a group of two whales. Both groups provided the passengers with great photo ops of flukes. We also saw about 10 white sided dolphin throughout the morning. Our trip back to the the bay was topped of with a sighting of a juvenile gray whale.

The group on the boat was a mix of tourists and a special group of 20 wounded warriors.
1/22/22 150 Common Dolphins
5 Gray Whales
2 Juvenile Gray Whales
Sea Lions
Gorgeous day with glassy water. The sky was clear and the Coronado Islands were completely visible. We saw sea lions on buoys, lots of happy common dolphins, brown pelicans, a Parasitic Jaeger, and Gray Whales breaching from afar. The Gray Whales that were in closer distance showed off their flukes and were snorkeling based on the fluke prints we observed. Most of the blows were in perfect heart shapes. At one point, we saw a Gray Whale mama with her baby. There was a debate on the boat regarding if it was a juvenile or calf. Regardless, it was another fantastic cruise with incredible wildlife!
1/21/22 25 Common Dolphins
11 Gray Whales
6 Bottlenose Dolphins
1 White Sided Dolphin
I have to tell you that this was one of the very best days I have ever had on the water, including the four years with Birch. We saw a very conservative estimate of 11 whales. At the same time, close to the boat, we had a group of five on the port side and a group of four on the starboard side…and there were multiple spouts all around in the distance. We had an adult whale breach five times right behind the boat with all the guests cheering and clapping every time. There was also a juvenile that breached three times today. Calm seas and a light breeze the whole time. Just one white sided dolphin, but 25+ commons and even six bottlenose to greet us in the harbor on the way in.
1/17/22 1 Gray Whales
1 Sea Lion
We had a great cruise this morning. Dave was our captain. We saw only sea lions until we got north, but then lots of dolphins, birds, sea lions feeding plus one whale. We followed the blows back to the mouth of the bay where we saw another whale who gave us a great goodbye tail fluke. It was a beautiful day and happy excited passengers.
1/16/22 4 Gray Whales We spotted our first spouts of the 4 gray whales we would see on this cruise relatively soon after departing San Diego Bay and turning West. Two pairs each, separated by a few miles, heading in a predictable southwesterly direction toward Baja. The second of these pairs we encountered off the coast of Pacific Beach. The only other marine mammal life we encountered were Sea Lions. No dolphins sighted on this morning.
1/14/22 11 Gray Whales
100+ Common Dolphins
1 Bottle Nose Dolphin
We had a spectacular day out on the water this morning!
The water was calm and glassy and we saw some amazing behavior!
The first group of three we encountered did three breaches for us and exhibited lots of mating and courtship behavior.
We also encountered two groups of four who were showing some courtship and lots of blows and flukes!
We also saw a few hundred common dolphins (following very closely and watching the whales courting!) and one bottle nose! All in all a very cool day to be out on the water!
1/09/22 Bottlenose Dolphin
2 Gray Whales
5 Gray Whales
Sea Lions
Morning Cruise
Today was a beautiful and sunny day out on the water for the morning cruise. We were first greeted by a Bottlenose Dolphin in the harbor and not long after leaving the harbor we encountered two Gray Whales. These Gray Whales showed off their flukes as they dived down! Among the passengers were a good handful of people who had never seen a whale before and among the volunteers a first Gray Whale sighting. Overall a great experience for everyone onboard.

Afternoon Cruise
On the afternoon cruise we had a beautiful clear day with nice calm water. We encountered 5 total gray whales on the trip and saw many blows in the distance. We found three whales shortly after leaving the harbor and we stayed with one individual and observed it’s blows. We then moved north and found a pair and observed synchronized flukes and blows from them. We didn’t see any dolphins but found a few sea lions on the way back to the dock.
1/07/22 2 Bottlenose Dolphins
Sea Lions
1 Pregnant Gray Whale
3 Juvenile Gray Whales
7 Gray Whales
Common Dolphins
Sea Lions
Morning Cruise
Beautiful day, calm water. What a great whale seeing day. Almost the entire time there was something to watch.

Right after the harbor- two Bottlenose dolphins, sea lions.Shortly after that a big Gray whale (more of light skin) - we thought maybe a pregnant female. Shortly after that two adult Gray whales. They were maybe disturbed by a small boat because they changed the direction of swimming and Captain Rick decided to go further Nord. What a beautiful performance there. 3 juvenile Gray whales synchronized flukes every 5-6 minutes. One breaching. We observed them for more than a half an hour On the way back we saw two even smaller flukes several times. Everybody on board was really pleased.

Afternoon Cruise
On the afternoon cruise today we saw 7 gray whales in two clusters — one a trio and one a quad — A bit unusual to see 3 or 4 grays traveling so close together and blowing and fluking together. The first trio seemed to have more barnacles and potentially older; second group was mostly all gray with minimal barnacles so maybe less trips down to Baja.

We were treated to multiple fluke displays including a 1-2-3 by the trio and even a synchronized pair by the quad. The quad group was quite close to boat and able to really appreciate their size and scale.

Minimal other sea life although we did see a few common dolphins on approach back into harbor and of course the fun sea lions at the bait docks.

1/06/22 6 Gray Whales
Mola Mola
- It was a beautiful day out on the water with approximately 70 people on board, including many families visiting from out of state. The sun was shining, the seas were small and the wind was calm. We saw a total of 6 gray whales traveling southbound. Three of the whales were adults and three were juveniles. A couple of the whales surfaced right next to the boat so everyone on board had fantastic views of them. We also saw a mola mola near the end of the trip. A great day on the water!
1/03/22 3 Gray Whales
10 Common Dolphins
- We had a beautiful day, sunny and clear with calm seas. We had visitors from Arizona, Utah, the San Francisco area, and some locals too. We saw three Gray Whales heading south. One must have had her timer on because she was so predictable, four blows and a fluke on a four-minute cycle. Ten Common Dolphins came by to say hello.
1/02/22 10 Gray Whales
Common Dolphins
- We lucked out and experienced a beautiful, sunny day today with calm seas. Within 15 minutes of leaving the harbor the captain sighted our first gray whale blow. After following this single whale for quite awhile, Captain Eric turned the Adventurer north in search of more gray whales. At this time some folks observed a small pod of common dolphins amidst a group of plunge-diving seabirds.

It wasn't long until the captain brought us close to two different pairs of gray whales with plenty of fluking and in one case snorkeling behavior. At times we were so close as to hear the magnificent exhalation and visualize clearly the heart-shaped blow. This was one of the highlights of our trip.

Although we were seeing mostly adult gray whales, many SDNHM whalers stated a belief that at least one of these whales was a juvenile due to smaller flukes and fewer patches of barnacles.

After searching the coastline off of Point Loma, our captain turned south again where we were lucky enough to locate and approach a group of five gray whales, swimming side by side, blowing in quick succession and fluking or at least showing their knuckles as they took their longer dives. By this time of afternoon, the sun was getting lower on the horizon and the glare on the water was intense.

Captain Eric asked us to bid adieu to this grand finale in order to steam back to the harbor. A dolphin was spotted by some folks, while others simply enjoyed warming up inside and relaxing as we steamed thru the calm waters of the harbor to our dock.

When asked, everyone stated they had a grand time including the children. Our passengers included parties from as far away as Brazil and Canada and many other states including Michigan, Minnesota and Florida. It was a spirited cruise on a most comfortable vessel!

Learn More about San Diego Whale Watching