
Your next party? Put it on the water. Concerts, dance parties, group yoga, and even fashion shows — they’re all better on a yacht. This is a venue unlike anything on land. You bring the entertainment and guests, we’ll provide the bars, food, security, and views.
  • 工作人员很了不起!他们很有礼貌、很幽默、很亲切、很理解、很有爱心、很了不起。他们彬彬有礼,风趣幽默,和蔼可亲,善解人意,关怀备至,令人敬畏,令人惊叹。我的整个聚会都被他们的服务所打动。最好的描述方式是神奇!我还在为昨晚的事情微笑。昨天晚上我还在笑呢。感谢你们所做的一切!
  • 我们玩得很开心,这是庆祝我们祖父90岁生日的一个很好的方式!我们的桌子很完美,因为我们的团体喜欢跳舞。我们的桌子很完美,因为我们的团体喜欢跳舞。 🙂 我们创造了许多美好的回忆。再次感谢!


Plan the perfect private event in New York with City Cruises! Fill out the form to connect with our expert event planners.

Make your New York private event a dream come true. Our team will help you create your ideal luxury venue. We’re here to make your private event on the water an unforgettable experience.

#HornblowerNewport Beach
